We introduce the basic definitions necessary to describe Markov chains and provide a first series of examples. For further reading we recommend the books Lawler (2006) and Levin et al. (2017).
1.1 Markov chains on a discrete state spaces
Definition 1.1 (Stochastic process) A discrete time stochastic process is a infinite sequence of random variables X_0,X_1, X_2,\cdots where all X_n take values in some space S, called the state space of the process. We think of n as time and X_0 as the initial condition.
Formally we can think of a stochastic process as a probability measure on S^\infty (the joint distribution of all X_n) but it is not convenient to put your hands on this object directly. A famous result in measure theory called Kolmogorov extension theorem say that is enough to specify all the joint distribution of X_{n_1}, X_{n_2}, \cdots, X_{n_k} for all choices of k and n_1 < n_2 \cdots < n_k.
To start, in this chapter, we assume that S is discrete (either finite or countable) and without loss of generality we can write S=\{1, 2, \cdots, N\} with N finite or not (by relabeling the state as needed). In this context we only need to specify the finite dimensional distributions
&P \left( X_0= i_0, X_1=i_1, \cdots, X_n = i_n \right) =P \left( X_0=i_0\right) P\left( X_1=i_1 \vert X_0=i_0 \right)P\left( X_1=i_2 \vert X_1=i_1, X_0=i_0 \right) \cdots \\
&\cdots P\left( X_n=i_n \vert X_{n-1}=i_{n-1}, \cdots, X_0=i_0 \right) \quad
which we have written in terms of conditional probabilities using the product rule.
The Markov property is an assumption on the structure of these conditional probabilities: the future depends only on the present and not on the past.
Definition 1.2 (Markov Chains) A Markov chain is a stochastic process with a discrete state space S such that, for all n, all states i_0, \cdots i_n, we have
P\left( X_n=i_n \vert X_{n-1}=i_{n-1}, \cdots, X_0=i_0 \right)= P(X_n=i_n|X_{n-i}=i_{n-1})
that is the probability to move to state j at time n depends only on the current position at times n-1.
The Markov chain is time-homogeneous if P(X_n=j|X_{n-1}=i) is independent of n, that is the probability to move from state i to state j does not depend on the time n of the move.
As a consequence for a Markov the joint pdf can be written as
P \left( X_0= i_0, X_1=i_1, \cdots, X_n = i_n \right) \,=\, P \left( X_0=i_0\right) P\left( X_1=i_1 \vert X_0=i_0 \right) \cdots P\left( X_n=i_n \vert X_{n-1}=i_{n-1} \right)
1.2 Matrix notation
For time homogeneous Markov chains it is natural to use the (possibly infinite) vector/matrix notation:
Initial distribution \mu(i) for i \in S where \mu(i)=P(X_0=i). We have
\mu(i)\ge 0 \quad \textrm{ and } \sum_{i \in S} \mu(i) =1
and \mu(i) is called a probability vector.
Transition matrix P(i,j) for i,j \in S where P(i,j)=P(X_n=j|X_{n-1}=i). We have
P(i,j) \ge 0 \quad \textrm{ and } \sum_{j \in S} P(i,j)=1
and P(i,j) is called a the transition probability matrix
All quantities of interest for the Markov chain can be computed using these two objects. For example we have
P\left\{ X_0 =i_0, X_1=i_1, X_2=i_2\right\} \,=\, \mu(i_0) P(i_0,i_1) P(i_1, i_2) \,.
P\left\{ X_2=i \right\} \,=\, \sum_{i_0\in S} \sum_{i_1 \in S} \mu(i_0) P(i_0,i_1) P(i_1, i)
and so on.
Without loss of generality, we can relabel the states so that S=\{ 1, 2, 3, \cdots, N \} (with N\le\infty). It will be convenient to set
\mu = ( \mu(1), \mu(2), \cdots, \mu(N))
that is \mu is a row vector whose entries are the initial distribution.
Also we will write P for the N \times N matrix whose entries are P(i,j)
We denotethen \mu P the row vector with entries
\mu P(i) = \sum_{j} \mu(j)P(j,i)
1.3 Kolmogorov equations
Proposition 1.1 (Kolmogorov equations) For a Markov process with initial distribution \mu and transition probabilities P:
1.The n-step transition probabilities are given by
P ( X_{n}=j \vert X_0={i} ) \,=\, P^n(i,j)
where P^n is the matrix product \underbrace{P\cdots P}_{\textrm{ n~times}}.
If \mu(i)=P(X_0=i) is the distribution of X_0 then
P(X_n=i) \,=\, \mu P^n (i)
is the distribution of X_n.
If f = (f(1), \cdots, f(n))^T is a column vector ( you may think of f as a function f: S \to \mathbb{R}) then we have
P^n f(i) \,=\, E\left[ f(X_n) | X_0=i\right].
Proof. For 1. we use induction and assume the formula is true for n-1. We condition on the state at time n-1 , use the formula P( AB\vert C) = P(A \vert BC) P(B\vert C), the Markov property, to find
For 2. note that \mu P is a probability vector since
\sum_{i} \mu P(i) \,=\, \sum_{i} \sum_{j} \mu(j ) P(j,i) \,=\, \sum_{j} \mu(j) \sum_i P(j,i) \,=\, \sum_j \mu(j) \,.
Furthermore by the formula for conditional probabilities part 1.
P(X_n=j) \,=\, \sum_{k \in S} P(X_n=j \vert X_0 =k) P( X_0=k) \,=\, \sum_{k} \mu(k) P^n(k,j) \,=\, \mu P^n (j)\,.
Markov chains forgets their past. For example if we observe that X_m=i for some i \in S then the Markov chain starts anew at i: conditional on the event \{X_m=i\}, the stochastic process Y_n=X_{m+n}, n=0,1,2,\cdots is a Markov chain with transition matrix P and initial condition i.
Indeed we have
&P( X_{m+1} = i_{m+1} \cdots X_{m+n}=i_{m+n}| X_m =i ) = \frac{P (X_m=i, X_{m+1} = i_{m+1} \cdots X_{m+n}=i_{m+n})}{P(X_m=i)}\\
&= \frac{\mu P^m(i) P(i,i_{m+1}) \cdots P(i_{m+n-1},i_{m+n})}{\mu P^m(i)} = P(i,i_{m+1}) \cdots P(i_{m+n-1},i_{m})
Actually a stronger statement holds and shows that the Markov chain after time n is independent of the past!
Theorem 1.1 Suppose the Markov chain is time homogeneous and A is any event which depends only X_0, \cdots, X_{n-1} (the past) then we have
P(\{X_{m+1} = i_{m+1} \cdots X_{m+n}=i_{m+n}\} \cap A | X_n=i)= P( X_{1} = i_{m+1} \cdots X_{n}=i_{m+n} | X_0=i ) P(A | X_n=i)
Proof. See Homework Exercise 1.3. Any such even A can be written as a union of event of the form \{X_0=i_0, \cdots, X_{m-1}=i_{m-1}\}.
Using the language of measure theory A belong to the \sigma-algebra \sigma(X_0, \cdots, X_{m-1}).
1.5 Stationary and limiting distributions
Basic question: For Markov chain understand the distribution of X_n for large n, for example we may want to know whether the limit
\lim_{n\to \infty} P( X_n=i) \,=\, \lim_{n \to \infty} \mu P^n(i)
exists or not, whether it depends on the choice of initial distribution \mu and how to compute it.
Definition 1.3 (Stationary and limiting distributions)
A probability vector \pi is called a limiting distribution if the limit \lim_{n \to \infty} \mu P^n = \pi exists.
A probability vector \pi is called a stationary distribution if \pi P = \pi.
Remark: Limiting distributions are always stationary distributions: If \lim_{n\to \infty} \mu P^n = \pi then
\pi P \,=\, (\lim_{n \to \infty} \mu P^n ) P \,=\, \lim_{n \to \infty} \mu P^{n+1} \,=\, \lim_{n \to \infty} \mu P^{n}
\,=\, \pi \,.
Remark: If \pi is stationary and is the initial condition then X_n is a sequence of identically distributed random variables.
1.6 Examples
Example 1.1 (2-state Markov chain) Suppose S=\{1,2\} with transtion matrix \displaystyle P \,=\, \left( \begin{array}{cc} 1-p & p \\ q & 1-q \end{array} \right) \,.
The equation for the stationary distribution, \pi P = \pi gives
\pi(1) (1-p) + \pi(2) q \,=\, \pi(1) \quad \quad
\pi(1) p + \pi(2) (1-q) \,=\, \pi(2)
that is p \pi(1) = q \pi(2). Normalizing to a probability vector gives \displaystyle \pi = \left( \frac{q}{p+q},\frac{p}{p+q} \right).
We show \pi is a limiting distribution. Set \mu_n \equiv \mu P^n and consider the difference \mu_n -\pi. Using \mu_n(2)=1-\mu_n(1) we get the equation
\mu_n(1) - \pi(1) &= \mu_{n-1} P(1) - \pi(1) = \mu_{n-1}(1) (1-p) + (1- \mu_{n-1}(1)) q - \frac{q}{p+q} \\
& = \mu_{n-1} (1)( 1-p-q) - \frac{q}{p+q}(1 -p -q) \,=\, (1-p-q) ( \mu_{n-1}(1) - \pi(1) )
By induction \mu_n(1) - \pi(1) = (1-p-q)^n (\mu_0(1) - \pi(1)). If either p>0 or q>0 then \lim_{n \to \infty} \mu_n(1) = \pi(1) and this implies that \lim_{n\to \infty} \mu_n(2) = \pi(2) as well.
If either p or q does not vanish then \mu_n = \mu P^n converges to a stationary distribution for an arbitrary choice of the initial distribution \mu.
Example 1.2 (Coupon collecting) A company offers toys in breakfast cereal boxes. There are N different toys available and each toy is equally likelky to be found in any cereal box.
Let X_n be the number of distinct toys that you collect after buying n boxes and is natural to set X_0=0. Then X_n is a Markov chain with state space \{0,1,2,\cdots,N\} and it has a simple structure since X_{n} either stays the same of increase by 1 unit.
The transition probabilities are
P(j, j+1) \,&=\, P\{ {\textrm{ ~new~toy~}} \vert \textrm{ already j toys}\} \,=\, \frac{N-j}{N} \\
P(j, j) \,& =\, P\{ {\textrm{ ~no~new~toy~}} \vert \textrm{ already j toys}\} \,=\, \frac{j}{N}
The Markov chain X_n will eventually reach the state N and stays there forever (N is called an absorbing state). Let us denote by \tau the (random) finite time \tau it takes to reach the state N. To compute its expectation, E[\tau], let us write
\tau = T_1 + \cdots +T_N \,,
where T_i is the time needed to get a new toy after you have gotten your (i-1)^{th} toy. The T_i’s are independent and have T_i has a geometric distribution with p_i = (N-i)/N. Thus
E[ \tau] \,=\, \sum_{i=1}^N E[ T_i] \,=\, \sum_{i=1}^N \frac{N}{N-i} \,=\, N \sum_{i=1}^N \frac{1}{i} \approx N
\ln (N) \,.
Example 1.3 (Random walk on a graph) Consider an undirected graphG consists with vertex setV and edge setE (each edge e=\{v,w\} is an (unordered) pair of vertices). We say that the vertex v is a neighbor of the vertex w, and write v \sim w, if \{v,w\} is an edge. The degree of a vertex v, denoted \textrm{deg}(v), is the number of neighbor of v.
Given such a graph G=(V,E) the simple random walk on G is the Markov chain with state space V and transition matrix
P(v,w) \,=\, \left\{ \begin{array}{cl} \frac{1}{{\text{deg}} (v)} & {\text{ if}} w \sim v \\ 0 & \text{ otherwise}
\end{array} \right. \,.
The invariant distribution for the random walk on graph is given by \pi(v) \,=\, \frac{\text{deg} (v)} { 2 |E|} where is the number of edges. First note that \sum_{v} \pi(v)=1 since each edge connects two vertices. To show invariance note that
\pi P(v) \,=\, \sum_{w} \pi(w)P(w,v) \,=\, \sum_{w ; w \sim v} \frac{{\rm deg} (w)}{2|E|} \frac{1}{ {\rm deg}(w)}
\,=\, \frac{1}{2|E|} \sum_{w ; w \sim v}1 \,=\, \pi(v) \,.
The d-dimensional hypercube graph Q_d has for vertices the binary d-tuples
\mathbf{x}=(x_1, \cdots, x_d) \quad \text{ with } x_k \in \{0,1\}
Two vertices are connected by an edge when they differ in exactly one coordinate (flipping a 0 into 1 or vice-versa).
The simple random walk on Q_d moves from one vertex x=(x_1, \cdots, x_d) by choosing a coordinate j \in \{ 1,2,\cdots, d\} uniformly at random and setting x_j \to (1-x_j).
The degree of each vertex is d, the number of vertices is 2^d and the number of edges is 2^d \frac{d}{2}.
The stationary distribution is \pi(\mathbf{x}) \,=\, \frac{1}{2^d},the uniform distribution on Q_d.
Variation on this random walk have many applications, you can intepret the vector \mathbf{x} as describing which one of d objects is on a list (see the section on Monte-Carlo Markov chains)
Example 1.5 (Assymetric random walks on {0,1, , N}) State space S=\{0,1,\cdots,N\} and the Markov chain goes up by 1 with probability p and down by 1 with probaility 1-p.
P(j, j+1) =p,\, P(j, j-1) = 1-p \,, \quad \textrm {for } j=1, \cdots, N-1
We can pick different boundary conditions (BC) at 0 and N:
Example 1.6 (Ehrenfest urn model) Suppose d balls are distributed among two urns, urn A and urn B. At each move one ball is selected uniformly at random among the d balls and is transferred from its current urn to the other urn. If X_n is the number of balls in urn A then the state space is S=\{0, 1, \cdots, d\} and the transition probabilities
P(j,j+1) \,=\, \frac{d-j}{d}\,, \quad P(j,j-1) \,=\, \frac{j}{d} \,.
We show that the invariant distribution is binomial with paramters (d,\frac{1}{2}), that is \pi(j) \,=\, {d \choose j} \frac{1}{2^d}.
This Markov chain is closely related to the simple random walk Y_n on the hypercube Q_d. Indeed selecting randomly one of the d balls and moving it the other urn is equivalent to selecting a random coordinate y_k of \mathbf{y}=(y_1, \cdots, y_d) and changing it to 1-y_k. If we denote by j= |\mathbf{y}|=y_1+ \cdots + y_d to be the number of 1s in \mathbf{y}. Then
P(X_n=j+1|X_n=j) = P(\textrm{ choose } k \textrm{ such that } y_k=0) = \frac{d-j}{d}
1.7 Simulation of Markov chains
It is relatively easy to compute the distribution of X_n by matrix multiplication, that is \mu P^n if P is not too large.
It is also not difficult to generate the paths X_0, X_1, X_2, \cdots of the Markov chain.
Set X_0=i (or generate the random variable X_0 with distribution \mu)
Generate the RV Z with probability distribution (P(i,1), \cdots P(i,n)) and set X_1=Z.
and so on.
To generate a discrete RV with finite state space do
import numpy as np# Create an array to describe the state spaceelements = np.array([1, 2, 3, 4, 5])# Define nonuniform probabilities for each elementprobabilities = np.array([0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.2, 0.2])# Use random.choice with nonuniform probabilitiesrandom_element = np.random.choice(elements, p=probabilities)
1.8 Exercises
Exercise 1.1 A standard die is rolled repeatedly. Which of the following are Markov chains? For those that are, supply the transition matrix.
The largest number X_n shown up to the nth roll.
The number N_n of sixes in n rolls.
At time r the time C_r, since the most recent six.
The state space is \{0,1, 2, \cdots, \} and it is natural to pick N_0=0. We have N_{n+1}=N_n + Z_{n+1} where Z_n are IID bernoulli RV with p=1/6. Thus P(i,i)=5/6 and P(i,i+1)=1/6.
The state space is \{0,1, 2, \cdots, \}. If C_r=i it the last six occurred at time r-i and thus C_{r+1} can be either i+1 or 0 depending whether you roll a six or not. So we have P(i,i+1)=5/6 and P(i,0)=1/6.
The time until the next 6 does not depend on your current state and so B_r are independent geometric RV with p=1/6.
Exercise 1.2 Suppose X_n is a Markov chain on the state space \{1,2,3,4,5,6\}. Is it true that
P(X_2=6| X_1\in\{3,4\}, X_0=2) = P(X_2=6|X_1\in\{3,4\})?
P(X_2=6| X_1=3, X_0\{2,5\}) = P(X_2=6|X_1=3)?
Prove or disprove.
Exercise 1.3 (More on the Markov property) We have introduced the Markov property as meaning that the future depends on the present but not on the past, see Definition 1.2. Show that for a Markov chain the following two condition hold
The past depends only on the present but not on the future:
P(X_0=i_0 \,|\, X_{1}=i_{1}, \cdots X_n=i_n)
= P( X_0=i_0\,|\, X_{1}=i_{1})\,.
Conditioned on the present, the past and the future are independent,:
P( X_{n+1}=i_{n+1}, X_{n-1}=i_{n-1} | X_n =i_n)= P( X_{n+1}=i_{n+1}| X_n =i_n) P( X_{n-1}=i_{n-1} | X_n =i_n)
Generalize part b. and show that for any event A which depends only on \{X_0, \cdots, X_{n-1}\} we have
& P( \{X_{n+1}=i_{n+1}, \cdots X_{n+m}=i_{n+m}\} \cap A | X_n =i ) \\
&= P( X_{n+1}=i_{n+1}, \cdots X_{n+m}=i_{n+m} | X_n =i)P(A|X_n =i)
Using P(AB|C)=P(A|BC)P(BC) and the Markov property we have
& P( X_{n+1}=i_{n+1}, X_{n-1}=i_{n-1} | X_n =i_n) \\
&= P( X_{n+1}=i_{n+1} | X_n =i_n, , X_{n-1}=i_{n-1})P(X_{n-1}=i_{n-1} | X_n =i_n) \\
& = P( X_{n+1}=i_{n+1} | X_n =i_n)P(X_{n-1}=i_{n-1} | X_n =i_n)
Any event which depends only \{X_0, X_1, \cdots, X_{n-1}\} can be written as a disjoint union of events of the form \{X_0=i_0, \cdots, X_{n-1}=i_{n-1}\} and by the addition rule for probability we may assume A has this form. The proof follows then exactly the same steps are in part b.
This equation means that, conditioned on the present state being i_n, the Markov chain in the future is independent of any event of the past and starts anew with initial conidition i_n.
Exercise 1.4 (2-steps Markov chain) Suppose that X_n is a Markov chain with state space S, transition probabilities P(i,j) and stationary distribution \pi(i). Show that
Z_n = ( X_n, X_{n+1} )
is a Markov chain. What are (a) the state space, (b) the transition probabilities, and (c) the stationary distribution?
The state space of Z_n is T = \{(i,j) \in S \times S \text{ such that } P(i,j) >0 \}. It is a Markov chain since the distribution of (X_n,X_{n+1}) depends only X_{n-1} and thus only on Z_{n-1}. The transition probabilities are
P((k,l), (i,j)) = P(Z_n=(i,j)| Z_{n-1}=(k,l)) = P(X_n=i, X_{n+1}=j|X_n=l, X_{n-1}=k) = \delta(i,l)P(l,j)
where \delta(i,l) are the entries of the identity matrix (i.e. \delta(i,l)=0 if i\not=l and delta(i,i)=1).
The stationary distribution is \tilde{\pi}(i,j)=\pi(i) P(i,j). First \sum_{i,j} \pi(i)P(i,j)= \sum_i \pi(i)=1 and using the stationarity of \pi
\sum_{k,l} \tilde{\pi}(k,l) P((k,l), (i,j)) = \sum_{k,l} \pi(k) P(k,l) \delta(i,l) P(l,j) = \sum_{k} \pi(k) P(k,i) P(i,j) = \pi(i) P(i,j) =\tilde{\pi}(k,l)
Exercise 1.5 (Markov chain finite memory) Instead of the Markov property let us assume X_n depends on the previous two steps: i.e we have for all n and states
P\{X_n=i_n \,|\, X_{n-1}=i_{n-1}, \cdots X_0=i_0\}
= P\{ X_n=i_n\,|\, X_{n-1}=i_{n-1}, X_{n-2}=i_{n-2}\}\,.
This is called a 2-Markov chain and if it is time-homogeneous it is specified by the numbers Q_{i,j,k}=P\{ X_n=k\,|\, X_{n-1}=j, X_{n-2}=i\}. Show that
Z_n = (X_{n}, X_{n+1})
is a Markov chain. Describe its state space and transition probabilities.
The state space is S \times S. We have
& P(Z_{n+1}=(i_{n+1},j_{n+1})| Z_{n}=(i_{n},j_{n}) , \cdots, Z_{0}=(i_0,i_1)) \\
& = P( X_{n+1}=i_{n+1}, X_{n+2}=j_{n+1}| X_{n+1}=j_n, X_n=i_n, X_{n}=j_{n-1}, X_{n-1}=i_{n-1} \cdots, X_1=j_0, X_0=i_0)
For this to be non-zero we need j_0=i_1, j_1=i_2 and so on. Assuming this hold we have then
&P( X_{n+1}=i_{n+1}, X_{n+2}=j_{n+1}| X_{n+1}=i_{n+1}, X_n=i_n, X_{n-1}=i_{n-1} \cdots, X_1=i_1, X_0=i_0) \\
&= P( X_{n+2}=j_{n+1}| X_{n+1}=i_{n+1}, X_n=i_n, X_{n-1}=i_{n-1} \cdots, X_1=i_1, X_0=i_0) \\
& = P( X_{n+2}=j_{n+1}| X_{n+1}=i_{n+1}, X_n=i_n) = Q(i_n, i_{n+1}, j_{n+1}) \\
&= P( X_{n+1}=i_{n+1}, X_{n+2}=j_{n+1}| X_{n+1}=i_{n+1}X_n=i_n) \\
&= P(Z_{n+1}=(i_{n+1},j_{n+1})| Z_{n}=(i_{n},i_{n+1}))
which establish the Marko property. The transition matrix is given by P( Z_{n+1} = (i,j)| Z_n=(k,l)) = \delta(i,l) Q(k,i,j) where \delta(i,l) are the entries of the identity matrix.
Exercise 1.6 Suppose \{X_n\} are independent indentically distributed random variables taking values in \mathbb{Z}. Determine which of the following are Markov chains.
S_n=X_1+ \cdots + X_n (with S_0=0)
Y_n = X_n+ X_{n-1} (with X_{-1}=0 so Y_0=X_0)
Z_n = \sum_{k=0}^n S_k
By independence
P(X_{n+1}=i_{n+1}|X_n=i_n, X_{n-1}= i_{n_1}, \cdots, X_0=i_0) &= P(X_{n+1}=i_{n+1}) \\
&= P(X_{n+1}=i_{n+1}|X_n=i_n)
and thus X_n is Markov.
Since S_{n+1}= S_n + X_{n+1},
P(S_{n+1}=s_{n+1}|S_n=s_n, S_{n-1}= i_{n_1}, \cdots, S_0=i_0)& = P(X_{n+1} = s_{n+1}-s_n ) \\
&= P(S_{n+1}=s_{n+1}|S_n=s_n)
and thus it is Markov.
Y_n is not Markov. For example for n=2 we have
P(Y_2= i_2| Y_1=i_1, Y_0=i_0) &= P(X_2 + X_1 = i_2| X_1+ X_0=i_1, X_0=i_0) \\
& = P(X_2 + X_1 =i_2 | X_1=i_1 -i_0, X_0=i_0) \\
&= P(X_2=i_2- i_1 + i_0)
On the other hand P(Y_2= i_2| Y_1=i_1)= P(X_1+X_2= i_2| X_1+ X_0= i_1) which is different since the conditioning does not depend on i_0.
Z_n is not a Markov chain. To see this (there are many ways to do this) note that Z_1=S_1=X_1, Z_2=S_1+S_2= 2X_1 + X_2, \cdots, Z_n= nX_1 + (n-1) X_2 + \cdots X_n. By inverting the linear relation between the Z_n and the X_n one sees that the information contained in (Z_1, \cdots, Z_n) is the same as in (X_1, \cdots, X_n). Therefore given (Z_1, \cdots, Z_n), Z_{n+1}= Z_n + S_{n+1} depends only on the value of X_{n+1}. This is clearly different for Z_{n+1} condition on Z_n which depends on S_{n+1} and thus all values of X_i.
If you know (S_n,Z_n) then (S_{n+1},Z_{n+1})=(S_n + X_{n+1}, Z_n + S_n + X_{n+1}). Arguing in a similar way as in 2. we see it is a Markov chain. Even though Z_n is not a Markov chain if we keep track of some extra information (that is S_n) we can obtain a Markov chain in a larger state space.
Exercise 1.7 (Umbrella Markov chain) Jane possesses r umbrellas which she uses going from her home to her office in the morning and vice versa in the evening. If it rains in the morning or in the evening she will take an umbrella with her provided there is one available. Assume that independent of the past it will rain in the morning or evening with probability p. Let X_n denote the number of umbrellas at her home before she gets to work.
Give the state space and the transition probabilities describing the Markov chain X_n.
Find the stationary distribution \pi(j).
Estimate the number of times in a year where Jane gets wet.
If there are j umbrellas at home (with j\not=0,r) there always will be umbrellas available both at home and at work and thus we have
P(j,j+1) = p(1-p), P(j,j) = p^2 + (1-p)^2, P(j,j-1)= p(1-p)
For example P(j,j+1)=P( \text{rain in the AM and no rain in the PM}).
The case j=0 and j=r are a bit different. We have
P(0,0) =P(\text{no rain in the PM}) = (1-p), \quad P(0,1) =p
P(r,r-1)= P(\text{rain in the AM and no rain in the PM})=p(1-p), P(r,r)= p^2 +(1-p)^2 + p(1-p) \,.
To find the stationary distribution we solve \pi P = \pi recursively and find
\pi(0) (1-p) + \pi(1) p(1-p) = \pi(0) & \implies \pi(1)(1-p) = \pi(0) \\
\pi(0) p + \pi(1) (p^2 +(1-p)^2) + \pi(2) p(1-p) = \pi(1) & \implies \pi(2)=\pi(1) \\
\pi(1) p(1-p) + \pi(2) (p^2 +(1-p)^2) + \pi(3) p(1-p) = \pi(2) & \implies \pi(3)=\pi(2) \\
\vdots & \\
\pi(r-2) p(1-p)+ \pi(r-1) (p^2 +(1-p)^2) + p(1-p) \pi(r) = \pi(r-1) & \implies \pi(r)=\pi(r-1) \\
\pi(r-1)p(1-p) + \pi(r)(p^2 +(1-p)^2 + p(1-p)) = \pi(r) & \implies \pi(r)=\pi(r-1) \\
Therefore the stationary distribution is \pi =\left(\frac{1-p}{1-p+r},\frac{1}{1-p+r},\cdots,\frac{1}{1-p+r})\right)
You get wet if you have 0 umbrella at home and it rains in the AM or if you have r umbrellas at home and it does not rain in the AM and rains in the PM. Over a long period of time, say a year, you will get wet 365 (\pi(0)p + \pi(r)p(1-p)) = 365\frac{2p(1-p)}{1-p+r} days.
Exercise 1.8 (Simulation of Markov chains) Write codes which simulate the umbrella Markov chain in the previous exercise (or other Markov chains where the transition matrix is not too big). The input should be the initial distribution, or initial state, and the transition probability matrix. Your code should return as outputs
P^n for sufficently large n.
One sufficently long path X_0, X_1, X_2, \cdots, X_n of the Markov chain using the simulation algorithm in Section 1.7. Use this path to extract the path statistics: find the proportion of time spent in every state (for example do an histogram).
What do you observe for the umbrella Markov chains?
Exercise 1.9 Suppose X_n is a Markov chain with state space S and h:S \to T is a function.
Show that if h is one-to-one then Y_n=h(X_n) is a Markov chain.
Show that if h is not one-to-one then Y_n=h(X_n) is not a Markov chain in general.
If h is not one-to-one and Y_n is a Markov chain then the Markov chain X_n is called lumpable.
Show that the random walk on the hypercube is lumpable if h(x_1,\cdots, x_d)=x_1+\cdots x_d.
Exercise 1.10 (Canonical representation of Markov chains)
A general way to construct a Markov chain is to use a noise model. Take Z_1,Z_2,Z_3 \cdots to be IID random variables taking value in some arbitary space E. If f: S \times S \times E is a function show that
X_{n+1}=f(X_n, Z_{n+1})
defines a Markov chain. For example you can think of f(X_n) + Z_{n+1} as determinstic evolution plus noise.
Conversely show that any Markov chain can be represented in this form. Hint: Pick Z_n to be independent uniform random variable on [0,1] and use the simulation algorithm in Section Section 1.7.
2 Ergodic theory of finite state space Markov chains
We present the basic convergence theory for finite state Markov chains and introduce the concept of irreducubility and period of a Markov chain. This is very classical stuff, see e.g. Lawler (2006) and Levin et al. (2017).
2.1 Existence of stationary distributions
Stationary distributions always exist for finite state Markov chains. This will not be the case if the state space is countable.
Theorem 2.1 (Existence) Let X_n be a Markov chain on a finite state space S. Then X_n has at least one stationary distribution.
Proof. Boltzano Weierstrass theorem asserts that any bounded sequences x_k in \mathbb{R^d} has a convergence subsequence.
Choose \mu_0 to be an arbitrary initial distribution and let \mu_n = \mu P^n. Appling Boltzano Weierstrass directly to the sequence \mu_n will not work but consider instead the time averages sequences
\nu_n \,=\, \frac{\mu + \mu P + \cdots \mu P^{n-1}}{n}
The sequence \nu_n is bounded since \mu_n and thus \nu_n are probability vector. Therefore there exists a convergent subsequence \nu_{n_k} with lim_{k}\nu_{n_k}=\pi and \pi is a probability vector as well. We show that \pi is a stationary distribution. Note
\nu_n P - \nu_n \,=\, \frac{ \mu P + \cdots \mu P^{n} - \mu - \cdots -\mu P^{n-1}}{n} \,=\,
\frac{\mu P^n - \mu}{n} \quad \textrm{ and thus } \quad \left\vert \nu_n P(j) - \nu_n(j) \right\vert \,\le \, \frac{1}{n}
To conclude we note that
| \pi P(j) - \pi(j)| \,=\, \lim_{k \to \infty} | \nu_{n_k}P (j) - \nu_{n_k}(j) | \,\le\, \lim_{k \to \infty} \frac{1}{n_k} \,=\, 0 \,.
and thus \pi is a stationary distribution. \quad \square.
2.2 Uniqueness of stationary distributions
It is easy to build examples of Markov chain with multiple stationary distributions, for example
P \,=\, \left( \begin{array}{cccc} \frac{1}{2} & \frac{1}{2} & 0 & 0 \\ \frac13 & \frac23 & 0 & 0 \\
0 & 0 & \frac16 & \frac56 \\
0 & 0 & \frac45 & \frac15 \end{array} \right) \quad \quad \pi_1=\left( \frac35 , \frac 25 ,0,0\right) \textrm{ and } \pi_2= \left( 0, 0 ,\frac{25}{49}, \frac{24}{49}\right)
\quad \textrm{ are stationary}
If the Markov chain starts in state 1 or 2 it will only visits states 1 and 2 in the future and so we can build a stationary distribution (by Theorem 2.1 using an initial \mu_0 which vanishes on 3 and 4 ) which will vanish on the state 3 and 4.
Definition 2.1 (communication and irreducibility)
We say that j is accessible from i, symbolically i \rightsquigarrow j if there exists n\ge 0 such that P^n(i,j)>0.
We say that i and j communicate, symbolically i \leftrightsquigarrow j if i \rightsquigarrow j and j \rightsquigarrow i.
A Markov chain X_n is irreducible if every state i\in S communicate with every other state j \in S, that is, for any pair of states i,j in S there exists n such that P^n(i,j) >0.
In an irreducible Markov chain, starting with any state the Markov chain will eventually visit any other state.
Theorem 2.2 (Uniqueness) Suppose X_n is an irreducible Markov chain with finite state space S.
If \pi is a stationary distribution then \pi(j)>0 for all j\in S,
Suppose h is a column vector such that Ph=h then h=c(1,1,\cdots,1)^T is a constant vector.
The Markov chain X_n has a unique stationary distribution \pi.
Proof. For 1. choose i with \pi(i)>0. If j is such that i \rightsquigarrow j then P^r(i,j) >0 for some r and thus
\pi(j) =\pi P^r(j)\,=\, \sum_{k} \pi(k) P^r(k,j) \,\ge \, \pi(i) P^r(i,j) >0 \,.
Since X_n is irreducible, \pi(j)>0 for any j \in S.
For 2. suppose that Ph=h and i_0 such that h(i_0)= \max_{i\in S} h(i)\equiv M. If h is not a constant vector there exists j with i_0 \rightsquigarrow j but h(j) < M and P^r(i_0,j)>0. Since P^rh=h,
M= h(i_0) \,=\, P^r h(i_0) \,=\, P^r( i_0, j) \underbrace{h(j)}_{< M} + \sum_{l \not= i_0} P^r(i_0,l) \underbrace{h(l)}_{\le M} < M\sum_{l} P^r(i_0,l)=M\,,
and this is a contradiction.
For 3. part 2. shows that the geometric multiplicity of the eigenvalue 1 matrix P is equal to 1 and thus so is the geometric multiplicity of the eigenvalue 1 for the adjoint P^T and thus P has at most one left eigenvector \pi.
2.3 Convergence to stationary distribution
Question: If we have a unique stationary distribution is it correct that \lim_{n \to \infty} \mu P^n = \pi?
Without further assumption the answer is NO, because of possible periodic behavior. Consider for example the random walk on \{1, \cdots, 2N\} with, for example, periodic boundary conditions. The stationary distribution is uniform \pi= \left(\frac{1}{2N}, \cdots, \frac{1}{2N}\right). But if X_0 is even then X_1 is odd and then alternating periodically between odd and even positions. For example for
P \,=\, \left( \begin{array}{cccc} 0 & 1/4 & 0 & 3/4 \\ 3/4 & 0 & 1/4 & 0 \\
0 & 3/4 & 0 & 1/4 \\
1/4 & 0 & 3/4 & 0 \end{array} \right) \quad \quad \pi = \left( \frac14,\frac14 ,\frac14,\frac14 \right)
\textrm{ is stationary}
0.4995 & 0 & 0.5004 & 0 \\
0 & 0.4995 & 0 & 0.5004 \\
0.5004 & 0 & 0.4995 & 0 \\
0 & 0.5004 & 0 & 0.4995 \\
\quad \quad
0 & 0.5002 & 0 & 0.4997 \\
0.4997 & 0 & 0.5002 & 0 \\
0 & 0.4997 & 0 & 0.5002 \\
0.5002 & 0 & 0.4997 & 0 \\
and P^n(i,j) does not converge, oscillates, asymptotically between 0, and 1/2.
Definition 2.2 A Markov chain X_n is called irreducible and aperiodic if there exists an integer n such that P^n(i,j) > 0 for all pair i,j in S. (The meaning of the terminology will become clearer later on.)
Theorem 2.3 (Doeblin’s Theorem) Suppose X_n be an irreducible and aperiodic Markov chain on the finite state space S with stationary distribution \pi. There exists a constant C>0 and number \alpha with 0\le \alpha< 1 such that for any initial distribution \mu we have
|\mu P^n(j) - \pi(j)| \,\le\, C \alpha^n \,,
\tag{2.1} i.e., the distribution of X_n converges, exponentially fast, to \pi.
Proof. Since the Markov chain is irreducible and aperiodic we can find an integer r such that P^r has strictly positive entries. Let \Pi be the stochastic matrix
\Pi \,=\, \left( \begin{array}{cccc} \pi(1)& \pi(2)& \cdots& \pi(N) \\
\pi(1)& \pi(2)& \cdots& \pi(N) \\
\vdots& \vdots & &\vdots
\pi(1) &\pi(2)& \cdots& \pi(N)
where every row is the stationary distribution \pi. Note that this corresponds to independent sampling from the stationary distribution.
Since all elements of P^r(i,j) are strictly positive we can pick \delta >0 sufficiently small such that for all i,j
P^r(i,j) \,\ge \, \delta\,\Pi(i,j)=\delta \pi(j) \,.
Let us set \theta = 1-\delta and by Equation 2.2 we define a stochastic matrix Q through the equation
P^r = (1-\theta) \Pi + \theta Q \,.
Note the following facts:
Since \pi P = \pi we have \Pi P^n = \Pi for any n \ge 1.
For any stochastic matrix M we have M \Pi = \Pi since all rows of \Pi are identical.
Using these two properties we show, by induction, that any integer k\ge 1, P^{kr} \,=\, (1 - \theta^k) \Pi + \theta^k Q^k. This is true for k=1 and so let us assume this to be true for k. We have
P^{r(k+1)} = P^{rk} P^r &= \left[ (1 - \theta^k) \Pi + \theta^k Q^k \right] P^r
= (1 - \theta^k) \Pi P^r + \theta^k Q^k [(1-\theta) \Pi + \theta Q] \\
&= (1 - \theta^k) \Pi + \theta^k(1-\theta) \Pi + \theta^{k+1} Q^{k+1} = (1 - \theta^{k+1}) \Pi + \theta^{k+1} Q^{k+1}
and this concludes the induction step.
From this we conclude that P^{rk} \to \Pi as k \to \infty. Write n=k r +l where 0 \le l < r. We have then
P^n = P^{kr} P^l = [(1 - \theta^k) \Pi + \theta^k Q^k] P^l = \Pi + \theta^{k} \left[ Q^k P^l - \Pi \right]
and thus
|P^n(i,j) - \pi(j)| \,=\, \theta^k |Q^k P^l(i,j) - \Pi(i,j)| \le \theta^k \le \frac{1}{\theta} (\theta^{1/r})^n \equiv C\alpha^n \,.
The same holds for any initial distribution multiplying by \mu(i) and summing.
2.4 The period of a Markov chain
As we have seen before Markov chain can exhibit periodic behavior and circle around various part of the state space.
Definition 2.3 The period of state j, \textrm{per}(j) is the greatest common divisor of the set
{\mathcal T}(j) \,=\, \left\{ n\ge 1\,,\, P^n(j,j)>0 \right\}
that is {\mathcal T}(j) is set of all times at which the chain can return to j with positive probability.
For example for random walks with periodic boundary conditions the period is 2 is the number of sites is even and 1 if the number of sites is odd.
The set {\mathcal T}(j) is closed under addition:
n,m \in {\mathcal T}(j) \implies m+n \in {\mathcal T}(j)
which holds true since P^{n+m}(j,j) \ge P^{n}(j,j)P^{m}(j,j).
By definition if \textrm{per}(j)=d then
{\mathcal T}(j) \subset \{ 0,d,2d, \cdots\}
Since it is closed under addition a fact from number theory (see exercise) implies that there exists k such that
\{ kd, (k+1)d, (k+2)d \cdots \} \subset {\mathcal T}(j) \quad \textrm { or equivalently } \quad P^{nd}(j,j)>0 \textrm{ for all } n\ge k
Lemma 2.1 If i \leftrightsquigarrow j then \textrm{per}(i)=\textrm{per}(j).
Proof. Suppose \textrm{per}(j)=d and i \leftrightsquigarrow j. There exist integers m and m such that P^m(i,j)>0 and P^n(j,i)>0 and thus
P^{m+n}(i,i)>0 \textrm{ and }P^{m+n}(j,j)>0
which means that m+n \in {\mathcal T}(i) \cap {\mathcal T}(j) and so m+n=kd for some integer k.
Suppose l \in {\mathcal T}(i) then
P^{n+m+l}(j,j) \ge P^n(j,i) P^l(i,i) P^m(i,j) > 0
and n+m+l \in {\mathcal T}(j). Therefore d divides l since it divides both n+m+l and n+m and this shows that \textrm{per}(j) \le \textrm{per}(i). Reversing the roles of i and j we find \textrm{per}(j) = \textrm{per}(i). \quad \blacksquare
If X_n is irreducible then all states have the same period and we can define the period of the irreducible Markov chain X_n.
If X_n is irreducible and has period 1 (also called aperiodic) and S is finite then P^{n}(i,j) >0 for all suficiently large n (compare with our earlier definition of irreducible and paeriodic).
Decomposing the state space S = G_1 \cup G_2 \cup \cdots G_d:
Start with a state i\in S and let i \in G_1.
For all j such that P(i,j)>0 let j \in G_2.
For all j\in G_2 and all k such that P(j,k)>0 let k\in G_3.
After assigning set to G_d assign the next states to G_1.
Repeat until all states have been assigned. If |S| is finite this takes at most |S| steps.
By construction we get a partition of S into d distinct subsets G_1, \cdots, G_d and
P(i,j)> 0 \implies i \in G_k \textrm{ and } j \in G_{k+1 (\textrm{mod} d)}
For example
Iteratively we find
1 \rightsquigarrow 4 \rightsquigarrow 3,6 \rightsquigarrow 1,2 \rightsquigarrow 4,7 \rightsquigarrow 3,5,6 \rightsquigarrow 1,2
\rightsquigarrow 4,7
and thus the Markov chain is irreducible with period 3 and so we have
S=\{1,2\} \cup \{4,7\} \cup \{3,5,6\}
where P_{G_l G_{l+1}} describe the transition between states in G_l and G_{l+1}.
Putting the matrix P to the power d we find the block diagonal form
G_1 \\
G_2 \\
Q_{G_1} & 0 & 0 & \cdots &0 \\
0 & Q_{G_2} & 0 & \cdots & 0 \\
\vdots & \vdots & & & \vdots \\
0 & 0 & \cdots & 0 & Q_{G_d}
Theorem 2.4 If X_n is an irreducible Markov chain on a finite state space with stationary distribution \pi then we have
\lim_{n \to \infty} \frac{1}{n} \sum_{k=0}^{n-1} P^k(i,j) \,=\, \pi(j) \,.
Proof. The matrix Q_{G_l}, restricted to state space G_l governs the evolution of an irreducible aperiodic Markov chain and thus, by Theorem 2.3, we have
\lim_{n \to \infty} P^{nd}(i,j) \,=\,\lim_{n \to \infty} Q^n_{G_l}(i,j) = \pi_{G_l}(j)\,\quad \textrm{ for } i \in G_l, j \in G_l
where \pi_{G_l} is the stationary distribution for Q_{G_l}. Morever P^{l}(i,j)=0 if l\not=nd for some n.
If i \in G_{l-1} and j \in G_{l} then
\lim_{n \to \infty} P^{nd+1}(i,j) \,=\, \lim_{n\to \infty} \sum_{k \in G_{l}} P(ik) P^{nd}(k,j) \,=\, \sum_{k \in G_{l}} P(ik) \pi_{G_l}(j) \,=\,
and P^{m}(i,j)=0 if m\not=nd+1 for some n. Similarly if i \in G_{l-r} and j \in G_{l} we have
\lim_{n \to \infty} P^{nd+r}(i,j) \,=\, \pi_{G_l}(j)\,.
and P^{m}(i,j)=0 if m\not=nd+r for some n.
The sequence P^n(i,j) is asymptotically periodic where d-1 successive 0 alternates with a number converging to \pi_{G_l}(j) and thus if we define \pi \equiv \frac{1}{d} ( \pi_{G_1}, \cdots, \pi_{G_d}) then \pi is normalized, stationary and
\lim_{n \to \infty} \frac{1}{n} \sum_{k=1}^n P^k(i,j) \,=\, \pi(k)
since the time spend in state j is asymptotically equal to \frac{1}{d} \pi_{G_l}(j).
2.5 Hitting times, return times adn the strong Markov property
We now have good understanding the asymptotic behavior of P^n(i,j) or \mu P^n as n \to \infty. When simulating or observing a Markov chain we usually observe a single sequence
X_0, X_1, X_2, \cdots
and our next goal is to derive a law large numbers for this sequence of random variables. To do this it will be useful to track how often the Markov chain visits some state.
Definition 2.4 (Hitting time and return times)
The Hitting time for the state j, \sigma(j), is the first time the Markov chain visits the state j.
\sigma(j) = \inf\{ n \ge 0\,;\, X_n=j \} \quad \textrm{hitting time }
The return time for the state j, \tau(j) is the first time the Markov chain returns to the state j.
\tau(j) = \inf\{ n \ge 1\,;\, X_n=j \} \quad \textrm{return time }
Hitting time and return times are closely related and are distinct only from the way they consider what happen at time 0 (both will be useful later on).
Hitting time and return times are example of stopping times and have the crucial property that to decide the events \tau(j)=k we only need to know what happened in X_0, \cdots X_k.
Definition 2.5 (Stopping times) A random variable T taking values in the integer is called a stopping time for the Markov chain X_n if, for any k, the event \{T=k\} depends only on X_0, X_1, \cdots, X_k, that is \{T=k\} belong to the \sigma-algebra \sigma(X_0, \cdots, X_k).
Intuitively stopping times are random times for the Markov chains which are decided only by looking at the past and the present and not the future, such as hitting time and return times.
Stopping times are very useful for Markov chain: if you run a Markov chain up to a stopping time T, then after T the Markov chain starts anew, that is Y_n=X_{T+n} is a Markov chain which is independent of the past. More precisely we have
Theorem 2.5 (Stong Markov property) Consider a stopping time T with P(T < \infty)=1. Then conditional on X_T=i, Y_n=X_{T+n} is a Markov chain with transition P and initial condition i.
Proof. If A is an event determined by X_0, \cdots, X_T then A \cap \{T=m\} is determined by X_0, \cdots, X_m. By the Markov property at time m we have
P( X_T=j_0, X_{T+1}=j_1, \cdots, X_{T+n}=j_n \cap A \cap {T=m} \cap X_{T}=i) = P( X_{1}=j_1, \cdots, X_{n}=j_n| X_0=i) P(A \cap {T=m} \cap X_{T}=i))
Now if we sum over m=0,1,2, \cdots and divide by P(X_T=i) we find
P( X_T=j_0, X_{T+1}=j_1, \cdots, X_{T+n}=j_n \cap A |X_{T}=i) = P( X_{1}=j_1, \cdots, X_{n}=j_n|X_0=i) P( A |X_{T}=i)
\quad \square
2.6 Strong law of large numbers for Markov chains
Irreducibility means that starting from i the Markov chain will reach j and thus for any i we have
P\{\tau(j) <\infty |X_0=i\} >0
If the state space is finite then we have something much stronger. Not only we have P\{\tau(j) <\infty |X_0=i\} =1, the expectation of \tau(j) is actually finite.
Lemma 2.2 For an irreducible Markov chain with finite state space S the expected return time E[\sigma(j)|X_0=i] < \infty
Proof. By irreducibility the Markov chain can reach the state j from any state i in a finite time. Since S is finite this time is uniformly bounded. So there exist a time m and \varepsilon>0 such that P^l(i,j)\ge \epsilon for some l \le m uniformly in i \in S. Using the strong Markov property this implies that
P\{\sigma(j) > k m|X_0=i\} \le (1-\varepsilon) P \{ \sigma(j) > (k-1) m |X_0=i\}\le \cdots \le (1-\varepsilon)^k
Therefore, using that P\{\sigma(j) > n|X_0=i\} is a decreasing function of n
E[\sigma(j)|X_0=i] = \sum_{n \ge 0} P\{\sigma(j) > n|X_0=i\} \le m \sum_{k \ge 0} P\{\sigma(j) > km|X_0=i\}\le m \sum_{k \ge 0}
(1-\varepsilon)^k < \infty \quad \blacksquare
Remark If S is infinite this is not necessarily true and this will lead to the concepts of transience, recurrence and positive recurrence.
We will also need the random variable Y_n(j) which counts the number of visits to starte j up to time n that is
Y_n(j) \equiv \sum_{k=0}^{n-1} \mathbf{1}_{\{X_k=j\}} \quad = \textrm{ the number of visits to the state } j \textrm{ up to time } n
Since E \left[ \mathbf{1}_{\{X_k=j\}} \vert X_0=i \right] =P^k(i,j) and we have
\frac{1}{n}E[Y_n(j)\vert X_0=i]= \frac{1}{n}\sum_{k=0}^{n-1} P^k(i,j)
and thus by Theorem 2.3 or Theorem 2.4
\pi(j) \,=\, \lim_{n\to \infty} \frac{1}{n}E\left[ \sum_{k=1}^{n} {\textbf{1}}_{\{X_k=j\}} \right] \quad = \textrm{ the proportion of time spent in state } j \textrm{ in the long run }
This is an important intuition
\pi(j) = \textrm{expected fraction of time that the Markov chain spends in state } j \textrm{ in the long run}.
The next results strengthen that intepretation.
Theorem 2.6 (Ergodic Theorem for Markov chain) Let X_n be an irreducible Markov chain with an arbitrary initial condition \mu, then, with probability 1 we have
\lim_{n \to \infty} \frac{1}{n} \sum_{k=0}^{n-1} {\textbf{1}}_{\{X_n=j\}} \,=\, \pi(j) \,,
this is the ergodic theorem for Markov chain.
Moreover if \tau(j) is the first return time to j we have the Kac’s formula
\pi(j) \,=\, \frac{1}{E[\tau(j)|X_0=j]} \,.
Proof. For a Markov chain starting in some state i consider the successive return to the state j. By the strong Markov property, once the Markov chain has reached j it starts a fresh. So the time when the Markov chain returns to state j for the k^{th} time is
T_k(j)\,=\, \tau_1(j) + \cdots+ \tau_k(j) \,,
where \tau_l(j) are independent copies of the return times \tau(j). For l\ge 2\tau_l(j) is conditioned on starting at j while for l=1 it depends on the initial condition. Note that by the strong LLN for IID random variables we have
\lim_{k\to \infty}\frac{T_k(j)}{k}\,=\, \lim_{k \to \infty} \frac{1}{k} \left( \tau_1(j) + \cdots+ \tau_k(j) \right) \,=\, E[\tau(j)|X_0=j] \,.
Note further that if the total number of visits to state j up to time n is k, it means that that we have returned exactyl k times and so
\left\{ Y_n(j)=k \right\} =\left\{ T_{k}(j) \le n < T_{k+1}(j) \right\}
So we have
\frac{ T_{Y_n(j)}(j) } {Y_n(j)} < \frac{n}{Y_n(j)} \le \frac{T_{Y_n(j)+1}(j)}{Y_n(j)+1} \frac{Y_n(j)+1}{ Y_n(j)}
As n \to \inftyY_n(j) \to \infty too and taking n \to \infty both extremes of the inequality converge to E[\tau(j) \vert X_0=j] with probability 1 and thus we conclude that, with probability 1,
\lim_{n \to \infty} \frac{Y_n(j)}{n} \,=\, \frac{1}{E[\tau(j)|X_0=j]} \,.
On the other hand we know that
\lim_{n \to \infty} \frac{E[Y_n(j)]}{n} \,=\, \pi(j) \,,
and thus
\pi(j) \,=\, \frac{1}{E[\tau(j)|X_0=j]} \,.
Putting all the pieces together gives the theorem. \quad \blacksquare.
2.7 Exercises
Exercise 2.1 (Algorithm to compute the stationary distribution) Instead of solving \pi P=\pi (that is computation of an eigenvector) we provide an alternative formula for \pi which is very easy to implement on a computer. We let I be the identity matrix and we let M be the matrix whose all entries are M(i,j)=1.
Prove that if X_n is an irreducible Markov chain with transition probabilities matrix P, then the unique stationary distribution \pi is given by
\pi \,=\, (1,1,\cdots,1) \left(I - P + M\right)^{-1} \,.
Hint: Assuming first that the matrix (I - P + M) is invertible show Equation 2.3. To that (I - P + M) is invertible is equivalent to proving that (I-P+M)x=0 \implies x=0. To do this multiply (I-P+M)x=0 by on the left by \pi and use that the only solutions of Px=x are of the form x= c (1\, \cdots, 1)^T.
Add this to your simulation algorithm for Markov chain of Exercise 1.8
Let \pi be a stationary distribution for the Markov chain X_n. Since \pi is a probability distribution we have \pi M = (1,1,\cdots,1) and since \pi P = \pi we have
\pi( I - P + M) = (1,1,\cdots,1)
Next we show that if the Markov chain is irreducible then (I - P + M) is invertible in which case we have our desired formula.
To show that the matrice (I - P + M) is invertible we show that its kernel is trivial. Suppose x is such that (I - P + M)x=0. Multiplying on the left by \pi we find using that \pi M = (1,1,\cdots,1)
0 = \pi( I - P - M)x = \pi M x = (1,1,\cdots,1) x = \sum_{k} x_k \equiv c
On the other hand we have
Mx = c \begin{pmatrix}
1 \\
1 \\
\vdots \\
since c=0. Hence we must have Px=x. As we have proved in Theorem 2.2 the only solutions of this equation are multiples of \begin{pmatrix}
1 \\
\vdots \\
\end{pmatrix} but since we have shown that \sum_{k} x_k=0 we must have x=0. Hence (I-P+M) is invertible.
Exercise 2.2
A transition matrix for a Markov chain is called doubly stochastic if for any j \in S we have
\sum_{i \in S} P(i, j) =1 \,
Show that the uniform distribution \pi(j)= \frac{1}{|S|} is a stationary distribution.
Let S_n be the sum of n independent rolls of a fair dice. Find \lim_{n \to \infty} P ( S_n \textrm{ is a multiple of 8}). Hint: Define an appropriate Markov chain and apply part 1.
If the sum of the column of P is equal to 1 then we have
(1, \cdots, 1) P = (1, \cdots, 1)
and if we normalize see that \pi with \pi(j)=\frac{1}{|S|} is a stationary distribution.
Let \tau^{(1)} be the first return time to state 1. Compute directly E[\tau(1) \vert X_0=1] by computing the pdf of \tau(1).
Compute the stationary distribution \pi.
We have 1\rightsquigarrow 2,32 \rightsquigarrow 4,53 \rightsquigarrow 4,54,5 \rightsquigarrow 1 and thus the Markov chain is irreducible and has period 3. The first return time to 1 starting from 1 can only take the value 3 and E[\tau(1) \vert X_0=1]=3.
To compute the stationary distribution I use the algorithm in Exercise 2.1
import numpy as npdef compute_stationary(P):""" Computes the row vector pi = 1^T * (I - P + M)^(-1), where M is a matrix of ones. Parameters: P (numpy.ndarray): n x n stochastic matrix. Returns: numpy.ndarray: 1 x n row vector. """ n = P.shape[0]# Identity matrix I = np.eye(n)# Matrix of ones (renamed from J to M) M = np.ones((n, n))# Compute the inverse of (I - P + M)try: M_inv = np.linalg.inv(I - P + M)except np.linalg.LinAlgError:return"Matrix is singular; inverse does not exist."# Row vector of ones ones_row = np.ones((1, n))# Compute the result pi = ones_row @ M_invreturn pi# Example usageP = np.array([ [0, 1/3, 2/3, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 1/4, 3/4], [0, 0, 0, 1/2, 1/2], [1, 0, 0, 0, 0], [1, 0, 0, 0, 0]])result = compute_stationary(P)print("Output row vector:", result)
Exercise 2.4 (A Markov chain for card shuffling) Suppose you have a deck of 52 cards. You shuffle your deck of cards by picking the top card of the deck and insert it uniformly at random in the deck.
What is the state space?
Show that Markov chain defined in this way is irreducible and aperiodic.
What is the stationary distribution.
If you shuffle the deck of cards every second. What is the average time (in years) until the deck returns to the original order?
Starting with an arbitrary deck consider the card at the bottom of the deck. What happens to that particular card after one shuffle? after n shuffle?
Suppose that at time n there are k cards under the original bottom card. Show (by induction on n) that each the possible k! ordering of the cards is equally likely.
Show that if \tau is the random time at which the card originally at the bottom reach the top of the deck then at time \sigma= \tau + 1 the cards are uniformly distributed on the set of all permutations. That is the system reaches reaches the stationary distribution at the (random) time \tau +1.
Compute E[\sigma] and \textrm{Var}(\sigma). Hint: Coupon collector problem.
S is the set all 52! permuations of 52 cards
Each row of the transition matrix has 52 non-zero entries each equal to \frac{1}{52}. But it is also true for every column, given a permuation x of the card there are exactly 52 states y such that P(y,x) is non zero. Just take any of the 52 cards from the deck and put it on top. The Markov chain is aperiodic since starting from any permutation there is a non-zero probability that you return to it in one step. It is also clearly irreducible.
The transition matrix is doubly stochastic and thus \pi is uniform with \pi(x)=\frac{1}{52!}.
52!= 8.06 \times 10^67 and there are 3.15 \times 10^7 in a year. So by Kac’s formula it will take a 2.55 times 10^60 years to come back to the original configuration.
Consider the card orginally at the bottom of the deck and we are going to track how it moves as we shuffle. At every move the top card either lands above or below the bottom card. At the first shuffle the bottom card stays at the bottom with probability 1/52 and moves to the 51st position with probability 51/52. After the bottom card is the 51st position the top card will land below the bottom card with probability 2/52 and so on. Eventually the bottom card will reach the top of the deck and will be then shuffled.
We prove this by induction. For k=1 this is obvious. Look next at k=2, when the second card lands below the bottom then any ordering of the these two cards has equal probability since the second card can be either above or below the first card. By induction when the (k+1)th card lands below the bottom card then it can be in of k+1 positions. This means that any permutations of the k+1 cards are equally likely.
At the end of the process, after a random time \tau, the bottom cards reaches the top and is then inserted in a random position and all 52 permutation are then equally likely. This means that X_{\tau+1} is dsitributed according to \pi. By the strong Markov property X_{tau+n} will be stationary for all n\ge 2 as well. The time \sigma is called a strong stationary time.
The times \sigma = T_1+ \cdots + 52 is a sum of independent geometric random variables with p_i = \frac{i}{52}. Therefore we find
E[\sigma] = \sum_{i=1}^{52} \frac{52}{i} \approx 52 \ln(52) \quad \quad V[\sigma] = \sum_{i=1}^{52} \frac{(52)^2}{i^2} - \frac{52}{i} \approx (52)^2 \frac{\pi^2}{6} - 52 \ln(52)
Exercise 2.5 (More on the Law of Large numbers) Suppose X_n is irreducible so that the strong Law of Large numbers holds.
Show that for any f:S \to \mathbb{R} (think of f as a column vector) such that \pi f = \sum_{j \in S}f(j) \pi(j) < \infty we have
\lim_{N\to \infty} \frac{1}{N} \sum_{k=1}^N f(X_k) = \pi f = \sum_{j \in S}\pi(j) f(j)
Suppose that you observe a sample of an (irreducible) Markov chain X_0, X_2, \cdots, X_{N-1} of length N (where N sufficiently large). Build an estimator for P(i,j) based on the sample X_0, X_2, \cdots, X_{N-1}. Hint: Use part 1. and the result in Exercise 1.4 in Homework 4 for the Markov chain (X_n,X_{n+1})
The Law of Large numbers for Markov chain states that for, any k, ${k=1}^N 1{X_k=j} $ converges almost surely to \pi(j). Multiplying by f(j) and summing over j gives the result since f(X_k)=\sum_j f(j)1_{X_k=j}.
To build an estimator for the transition probbailities we use the Markov chain Z_n=(X_n,X_{n+1}) with state space $S’={(i,j) S S, P(i,j)>0} which we considered in Exercise 1.4. If X_n is irreducible so is Z_n and applying the law large numbers to Z_n we find that alsmot surely
\lim_{N \to \infty} \frac{ \#\{ k \in \{1, \cdots, N\} \,: (X_k, X_{k+1})=(i,j)\}} {N} \to \pi(i) P(i,j)
Therefore we get that
\lim_{N \to \infty} \frac{ \#\{ k \in \{1, \cdots, N\} \,: (X_k, X_{k+1})=(i,j)\}} { \#\{ k \in \{1, \cdots, N\} \,: X_k=i \} } \to P(i,j)
which provides us for the desired estimator.
Exercise 2.6 (Chess)
A chess piece performs a random walk on a chessboard; at each step it is equally likely to make any one of the available moves. What is the mean return time of a corner square if the piece is a: (a) king? (b) queen? (c) bishop? (d) knight? (e) rook?
A rook and a bishop perform independent random walks with synchronous steps on a 4 x 4 chessboard (16 squares). If they start together at a corner, show that the expected number of steps until they meet again at the same corner is 448/3.
These are all random walks one graph whose vertices are the 64 squares of the chess boord. They are all irreducible, except for the bishop random walk which moves diagonally and hence will always stay on squares with the same color.
Using Kac’s formula the mean return time to the corner is \pi(\text{corner})^{-1}. By the formula for stationary distribution for the random walk on a graph we have
\pi(\text{corner}) = \frac{\rm{deg}(\text{corner})}{\sum_j \rm{deg}(j)}
and so we just need to compute the degree of every corner.
For example for the king there are 3 types of vertices: the 4 corners with degree 3, the square on the boundaries but not on the corners (24 of them) with degree 5 and the square not on the boundaries with degree 8. Hence \pi(\text{corner})= \frac{3}{ 3\times 4 + 5\times 24 + 8\times 36 }=\frac{1}{140} and so the king will come back to the corner after an average of 140 moves.
If X_n and Y_n are independent Markov chain with states spaces S_X and S_Y, transition matrix P_X(i,k) and P_Y(j,l) stationary distribution \pi_X and \pi_Y then Z_n=(X_n,Y_n) is a Markov chain with transition probabilities P((i,j),((k,l)=P_X(i,k) P_Y(j,l) stationary distribution \pi(i,j)=\pi_X(i)\pi_Y(j).
The rook perform a random walk on the 16 squares while the bishop perform a random walk on 8 squares (the ones of the same color as the initial one) with degrees given by
6 & 6 & 6 & 6 \\ \hline
6 & 6 & 6 & 6 \\ \hline
6 & 6 & 6 & 6 \\ \hline
6 & 6 & 6 & 6 \\ \hline
\quad \quad
3 & & 3 & \\ \hline
& 5 & & 3 \\ \hline
3 & & 5 & \\ \hline
& 3 & & 3 \\ \hline
Therefore \pi(\text{corner},\text{corner})=\frac{1}{16} \frac{3}{28} =\frac{3}{448}
Exercise 2.7 (Cesaro limit) A sequence of numbers \{a_n\}_{n=1}^\inftyconverges in the sense of Cesaro to a if the sequence b_n=\frac{a_1 + \cdots + a_n}{n} converges to a.
Prove that if a sequence a_n converges to a then a_n also converges to a in the sense of Cesaro.
Show that he converse is generally not true.
If the a_n converges to a then the sequence is bounded (i.e. |a_n| \le M for all n) and a \le M and given any \epsilon> 0 there exists N such that |a_n -a| \le \epsilon. We write for n \ge N
|b_n -a| &= \left| \frac{(a_1 -a) + \cdots + (a_n-a)}{n}\right| \\
&\le \left| \frac{(a_1 -a) + \cdots + (a_N-a)}{n}\right| + \left| \frac{(a_{N+1} -a) + \cdots + (a_n-a)}{n}\right| \\
& \le \frac{2M}{n} + \frac{n-N}{n} \epsilon
The right hand sides convegerges to 0 as n \to infty, showing that b_n \to b.
An exmaple relevant to periodic Markov chains. Take sequences a_n \to a, b_n \to b and c_n \to c and then the sequence
a_1,b_1,c_a, a_2,b_2,c_2, a_3, b_3, c_3, \cdots
does not converge (unless $a=b=c) but the sequnce converge in the sens of Cesaro to \frac{a+b+c}{3}.
Exercise 2.8 (Simulation of Markov chains, continued) Improve your code of Exercise 1.8 such that given a sufficently long path X_0, X_1, X_2, \cdots, X_n of a Markov chain it will returns estimates of both the stationary distribution \pi(i) and the transition probabilities P(i,j). You will need part 2 of Exercise 2.5.
Exercise 2.9 (Simulation of Markov chains, irreducibility and period)
Write a code which determines whether a Markov chain is irreducible or not. The input is the transition matrix P.
Write a code which computes the period of the states for a given Markov chain. The input is the transition matrix P.
3 Transient behavior of Markov chains
3.1 Decomposition of state space
We now drop the assumption of irreducibility.
The communication relation i \leftrightsquigarrow j is an equivalence relation. We use the convention P^0 = I (the identity matrix) and then also that i \leftrightsquigarrow i (i communicates with itself P^0(i,i)=1).
It is reflexive : i \leftrightsquigarrow i.
It is symmetric: i \leftrightsquigarrow j implies j \leftrightsquigarrow i.
It is transitive: i \leftrightsquigarrow j and j \leftrightsquigarrow l implies i \leftrightsquigarrow l.
Using this equivalence relation we can decompose the state space S into mutually disjoint communication classes
S = C_1 \cup C_2 \cup \cdots \cup C_M \,.
Definition 3.1 (transient and closed classes)
A class C is called transient if there exists i\in C and j \in S \setminus C with i \rightsquigarrow j.
It means it is possible to exit the class C and never come back.
A class C is called closed classes if it is not transient that is, for any pair i\in C and j \in S \setminus C we have i \not\rightsquigarrow j.
Clearly it is impossible to exit a closed class.
The next result state if you start in a finite transient class you will always eventually exit it (this may not be true any more S is infinite).
Lemma 3.1 Suppose S is finite and X_0 \in C where C is a transient class. Then X_n exits C after a finite time with probability 1. As a consequence for i, j \in C we have
\lim_{n\to \infty} P^n(i,j) =0 \,.
Proof. By irreducibility X_n can exit C starting from any i\in C after a finite time. Since C is finite, there exists k and \theta < 1 such that have
P \{X _k \in C | X_0=i \} \le \theta \,\, \textrm{ for all } i \in C \,.
Using the (strong) Markov property this implies that P \{X _{nk} \in C | X_0=i \} \le \theta^n and so so the probability to stay in transient class goes to 0 as time goes by. If i and j both belong to the transient class C this can be re-expressed as
\lim_{n\to \infty} P^n(i, j) \,=\, 0 \,.
\quad \blacksquare.
3.2 Communication diagram
To figure out the class structure it is convenient to build a directed graph where the vertices are the state and each directed edges corespond to a pair (i,j) with P(i,j)>0.
There are 4 classes: T_1=\{1,2\}, T_2=\{3,4\}, T_3=\{5\} are all transient and C=\{6,7,8\} which is closed.
3.3 Decomposition of reducible Markov chains
Markov chain with closed classes R_1, \cdots R_L and transient classes denoted by T_1, \cdots T_K (set T= T_1 \cup \cdots T_K). After reordering the states the transition matrix has the block form
R_1 \\ R_2 \\ R_3 \\ \vdots \\ R_L \\ T
P_1 & & & & &\\
& P_2 & & 0 & &\\
& & P_3 & & & \\
& 0 & & \ddots & &\\
& & & &P_L &\\
& & S & & & Q
where P_l gives the transition probabilities within the class R_l, Q the transition within the transient classes and S\not= 0 the transition from the transient classes into the closed classes.
It is easy to see that P^n has the form
R_1 \\ R_2 \\ R_3 \\ \vdots \\ R_L \\ T
P_1^n & & & & &\\
& P_2^n & & 0 & &\\
& & P_3^n & & & \\
& 0 & & \ddots & &\\
& & & &P_L^n &\\
& & S_n & & & Q^n
for some matrix S_n.
Example: Consider the random walk with absorbing boundary conditions (see Example 1.5). There are three classes, 2 closed ones \{0\}, \{N\} and 1 transient \{1, \cdots, N-1\} for example with N=5 we have
As expected starting in transient class the Markoveventually exit it to reach here of one the two closed class. From P^{50} one can read that starting in, say state 2 with probability .6 the Markov chain will end up at 0 and with probability .4 the Markov chain will end up in 5. We will learn how to compute these probability later on but we study first how long it takes to exit the closed class.
3.4 Absorption time
Starting in a closed class R_l the Markov chain stays in R_l forever and its behavior is dictated entirely by the irreducible matrix P_l with state space R_l.
Starting from a transient class the Markov chain will eventually exit the class T and is absorbed into some closed class. One basic question is: What is the expected time until absorption?
We define the absorption time
\tau_{\textrm{abs}} = \min\{ n \ge 0 \,;\, X_n \notin T \}
Theorem 3.1 (Expected time until absorption) Let j be a transient state and let \tau_{\textrm{abs}} to be the time until the Markov chain reaches some closed class. Then we have
E[\tau_{abs} |X_0=j] \,=\, \sum_{i\in T} M(j,i) \,.
M=(I-Q)^{-1} = 1 + Q + Q^2 + \cdots
and Q is from the decomposition Equation 3.1.
Proof. From Lemma 3.1 we know that Q^n(i,j) \to 0 and so all eigenvalues of Q have absolute values strictly less than 1. Therefore I-Q is an invertible matrix and we can define
M = (I-Q)^{-1} = I +Q +Q^2 + Q^3 + \cdots
The second equality is the geometric series for matrices which follows from the identity
(I+ Q + \cdots Q^n)(1-Q) = I -Q^{n+1} \,.
To give a probabilistic interpretation to the matrix M we introduce the random variable
Y(i) \,=\, \sum_{n=0}^\infty 1_{\{X_n=i\}} \quad = \textrm{ total number of visits to state } i
If i is transient by Lemma 3.1Y(i) < \infty with probability 1. If j is another transient state we have
E[ Y(i) \,\vert\, X_0=j]= \,E\left[ \sum_{n=0}^\infty {\bf 1}_{\{X_n=i\}} \,\vert\, X_0=j\right]
\,=\,\sum_{n=0}^\infty P\left\{ X_n=i \,\vert\, X_0=j\right\}
\,=\,\sum_{n=0}^\infty Q^n(i,j) = M(i,j)
That is M(j,i) is simply the expected number of visits to i if X_0=j and thus, summing over all the transient states we obtain
E[\tau_{abs} |X_0=j] \,=\, \sum_{i\in T} M(j,i) \,. \quad \blacksquare
3.5 Hitting time in irreducible Markov chain
Suppose X_n is irreducible and we are interested in computing the expected time to reach one state from another state that is E[ \tau(i)| X_0=j] \textrm{ for } j \not= i.
If i=j then from Theorem 2.6 that E[ \tau(i)| X_0=i]=\pi(i)^{-1} where \pi is the stationary distribution.
If i \not= j we use the following idea. Relabel the states so that the first state is i and turn i into an absorbing state
P =
P(i,i) & R \\ S & Q
\quad \quad \longrightarrow \quad \quad
\widetilde{P} =
1 & 0 \\ S & Q
\tag{3.2} The fact that P is irreducible implies that S\setminus \{i\} is a transient class for the modified transition matrix \widetilde{P}. The return time \tau(i) starting from i\not= j for the Markov chain with transition P is exactly the same as the absorption time for the Markov chain with transtion \widetilde{P}. Indeed the hitting time does not depend on the submatrix R. Therefore from Theorem 3.1 we obtain immediately
Theorem 3.2 (Expected hitting time in irreducible Markov chain) Let X_n be an irreducible Markov chain. For i \not= j we
E[\tau(i) |X_0=j] \,=\, \sum_{l\in T} M(j,l) \,.
where M=(I-Q)^{-1} and Q is given in Equation 3.2 and is obtained by deleting the i^{th} row and i^{th} column from P.
3.6 Examples
Example(continued): Random walk with absorbing boundary conditions on \{0,1,\cdots,5\}. We get
Q\,=\, \begin{pmatrix}
0 & 1/2 & 0 & 0 \\
1/2 & 0 & 1/2 & 0 \\
0 & 1/2 & 0 & 1/2\\
0 & 0 & 1/2 & 0
\end{pmatrix} \quad \implies
1.6 & 1.2 & 0.8 & 0.4 \\
1.2 & 2.4 & 1.6 & 0.8 \\
0.8 & 1.6 & 2.4 & 1.2\\
0.4 & .8 & 1.2 & 1.6
and thus the expected times until absorption are 4 for states 1 and 4 and 6 for states 2 and 3.
Example: Random walk with reflecting boundary conditions (see Example 1.5) with N=5 and we compute E[ \tau(0) | X_0=i]. The stationary distribution is \pi = \left(\frac{1}{10}, \frac{2}{10}, \frac{2}{10}, \frac{2}{10}, \frac{2}{10}, \frac{1}{10}\right) so E[ \tau(0) | X_0=0]=10. For i\not=0 we delete the first row and column from P and have
Q\,=\, \left( \begin{array}{ccccc}
0 & 1/2 & 0 & 0 &0 \\
1/2 & 0 & 1/2 & 0 &0 \\
0 & 1/2 & 0 & 1/2 &0 \\
0 & 0 & 1/2 & 0 &1/2 \\
0 & 0 & 0 & 1 &0
\right) \,,
\,=\, \left( \begin{array}{ccccc}
2 & 2 & 2 & 2 & 1\\
2 & 4 & 4 & 4 &2 \\
2 & 4 & 6 & 6& 3\\
2 & 4 & 6 & 8 & 4 \\
2 & 4 & 6 & 8 & 5
\end{array} \right)
and so the expected return times to 1 are 10, 9, 16, 21, 24, 25 respectively.
3.7 Absorption probabilities
If X_0 = i \in T belongs to some transient class and if there are more than one closed classes, say R_1, R_2, \cdots, R_L then the Markov may be absorbed in distinct closed class and so we wisht to compute the probabilities
P\{ X_n \,\,\textrm{ reaches class } R_l \,|\, X_0=i \}
Without loss of generality we can assume that each closed class is an absorbing state r_1, \cdots r_L (we can always collapse a closed class into a absorbing state since it does not matter which state in the closed class we first visit). We denote the transient states by t_1, \cdots, t_M and upon reordering the state the transition matrix has the form
r_1 \\ \vdots \\ r_L \\ t_1 \\ \vdots \\ t_M
& & & & & \\
& I & & &0& \\
& & & & & \\
& & & & & \\
& S & & &Q & \\
& & & & & \\
We wish to compute
A( t_i, r_j) = P\{ X_n \, \textrm{ eventually reaches } r_j \,|\, X_0= t_i\}\,.
and it will be convenient to set A(r_l, r_l)=1 and A(r_k, r_l)=0 if k\not= l.
Theorem 3.3 (Absorption probabilities in closed classes) For a Markov chain with transition matrix Equation 3.3 where the states t_1, \cdots t_M are transient we have
P\{ X_n \, \textrm{ reaches } r_j \,|\, X_0= t_i\} = A(t_i, r_j) \quad \textrm{ with } \quad A = (I -Q)^{-1} S
Proof. We condition on the first step of the Markov chain to obtain
A( t_i, r_j) &= P \left\{ X_n = r_j \textrm{ eventually } \vert X_0= t_i\right\} \\
&= \sum_{k \in S} P \left\{ X_n = r_j \textrm{ eventually}, X_1=k \vert X_0= t_i\right\} \\
&= \sum_{ k \in S} P \left\{ X_1 = k \vert X_0= t_i\right\} P \left\{ X_n = r_j
\text{ eventually } \vert X_1= k\right\} \\
&= \sum_{ k \in S} P(t_i, k) A( k, r_j) \,=\, P(t_i, r_l) + \sum_{ t_k } P(t_i, t_k) A( t_k, r_j) \,.
If A be the L \times M matrix with entries A(t_i, r_l), then this can be written in matrix form as
A \,=\, S + Q A
A \,=\, (I-Q)^{-1} S \,=\, MS \,.
Continuing with the random walk example with absorbing boundary conditions, we get
A \,=\, MS \,=\,
\left( \begin{array}{cccc}
1.6 & 1.2 & 0.8 & 0.4 \\
1.2 & 2.4 & 1.6 & 0.8 \\
0.8 & 1.6 & 2.4 & 1.2\\
0.4 & .8 & 1.2 & 1.6
\end{array} \right)
\left( \begin{array}{cc} 1/2 & 0 \\ 0 & 0 \\ 0 & 0 \\ 0 & 1/2 \end{array}\right)
\left( \begin{array}{cc} .8 & .2 \\ .6 & .4 \\ .4 & .6 \\ .2 & .8 \end{array}\right)
For example from state 2 the probability to be absorbed in 0 is .6, and so on….
Remark You can apply similar ideas to irreducible Markov chain to compute probabilities like
P( \tau(i) \le \tau(j)|X_0=k).
that is the probability to return to i before returning to j by transforming i and j into absorbing states. See some examples in that spirit in the homework.
3.8 Tennis game
We model tennis as a Markov chain: For each point player A will win with probability p and player B will be win with probability q=1-p and we assume all points are independent. Winning a game leads to the Markov chain with following communication diagram. This problem illustrates the power of compunding. For example my fellow countryman Roger Federer won 54% of all points played during his career. But he won 80% all of his game.
Tennis communication diagram
The Markov chain “moves up” until it reaches one of the 5 states on the top (which we relabel 0,1,2,3,4) and the chains stays on those 5 states forever and performs a random walks with absorbing boundary conditions.
Want the probability that A wins, of course starting from the initial conditions 0-0. Compute this probability by successive conditioning.
Consider the events
D_i=\{ X_n \textrm{ reaches the top row in state } i \}
We compute P(D_i) simply by enumerating all the paths leading up to state i starting form the initial state.
Conditioning on the B_i’s: \displaystyle P(A) =\sum_{i=0}^4 P(A|D_i) P(D_i)
Obviously we have P(A|D_0) =1 and P(A|D_4) =0. By conditioning on the first step we find the system of equations
P(A|D_1) &= p + q P(A|B_2) & & P(A|D_1) = \frac{p (1-pq)}{1-2pq} \\
P(A |D_2) &= pP(A |D_1) + q P(A |D_3) & \implies \quad\quad & P(A|D_2) = \frac{p^2}{1-2pq}\\
P(A |D_3) &= p P(A|D_2) & & P(A|D_3) = \frac{p^3}{1-2pq}
Putting everyting together
P(A) = \frac{p^4 (1+2q)(1+4q^2)}{1-2pq}
p = .54 \implies P(A)=.599
3.9 Gambler’s ruin
A gambler is coming to the casino to play the game of dice called craps. At this game the standard bet (pass line bet) has even money odds and the probability to win is \frac{244}{495}=0.49292929..., one of the casino games with best odds.
Suppose that the player start with a fortune of j and bets 1 in every game. Their ultimate goal is to reach a fortune of N and, if they do, they would stop. Of course they could lose all their money before reaching their goal.
The game is described by a random walk on \{0,1, \cdots, N\} with absorbing boundary conditions and we want to compute
\alpha_j = P(X_n \textrm{ reaches } N \textrm{ before reaching } 0| X_0=j)
Conditioning on the first step gives the second order homogeneous linear difference equation
\alpha_j = p \alpha_{j+1} + (1-p) \alpha_{j-1} \quad \textrm{ with boundary conditions } \alpha_0=0\,, \alpha_N=1
To solve this second order homogeneous linear difference equations we look for solutions of the form \alpha_j=x^j which leads to the equation
px^2 - x + (1-p) =0 \quad \implies x_1=1\,, x_2= \frac{1-p}{p}
\tag{3.4} This leads to the system of equation (for p\not= \frac12)
\alpha_j= C_1 + C_2 \left(\frac{1-p}{p} \right)^j \quad \textrm{ with } \quad \left\{ \begin{array}{r} C_1+C_2=0 \\ C_1 + C_2\left(\frac{1-p}{p} \right)^N=1 \end{array} \right.
Solving gives the Gambler’s ruin probabilities
\alpha_j = \frac{ 1 - \left( \frac{1-p}{p} \right)^j }{1 -\left( \frac{1-p}{p} \right)^N} \quad \quad \textrm{ Gambler's ruin for } q\not= p
If p=\frac{1}{2} the quadratic equation Equation 3.4 has a double root 1 but we note that \alpha_j= j is a second linearly independent solution of \frac{1}{2}\alpha_{j+1} - \alpha_j + \frac{1}{2}\alpha_{j-1}=0. Solving the equation \alpha_j= C_1 + C_2j with the boundary conditions gives
\alpha(j) \,=\, \frac{j}{N} \quad \quad \textrm{ Gambler's ruin for } p=\frac{1}{2}
How bad does it get?:For example if p=\frac{244}{495} and you start with a fortune a 50 and want to double it, the probability to succeed is \frac{ 1 - \left( \frac{251}{244}\right)^{50}}{1 -\left(\frac{251}{244}\right)^{100}}=.1955, not so great. You could also be more risky and bet an amount of 10 in which case you probability to succeed i a much better \frac{ 1 - \left( \frac{251}{244}\right)^{5}}{1 -\left(\frac{251}{244}\right)^{10}}=.4647. Even better bet everything and your probability to win is p=.4929. (In casino boldness pays, or loses less).
Limiting cases To get a better handle on the gambler’s ruin formula we slightly rephrase the problem:
We start at 0.
We stop whenever we reach W (W is the desired gain) 0r when we reach -L (L is the acceptable losss).
The state are now j \in \left\{ -L, -L+1, \cdots, \cdots, W-1, W\right\}
We get
P(-L, W)\,\equiv\, P\left( \text{Reach}W{\rm~before~reaching~} - L {\text{ ~starting~from~}}0 \right) \,=\, \frac{1 - \left( \frac{1-p}{p} \right)^L}{1 - \left( \frac{1-p}{p} \right)^{L+W}} \,.
The limit L \to \infty describes a player with infinite wealth:
P(-\infty,L)= \left\{\begin{array}{cl}1 & \text{ if } p> \frac12 \\ \left(\frac{p}{1-p}\right)^W & \text{ if } p< \frac12 \end{array} \right.
Even with infinite wealth it is exponentially hard to win W!
The limit W \to \infty describes a player with fortune L who does not stops unless they lose.
P(-L,\infty) \,=\, \left\{\begin{array}{cl} 1 - \left(\frac{1-p}{p}\right)^L & \text{ if } p > \frac{1}{2}
\\ 0 & \text{ if } p < \frac{1}{2} \end{array} \right.
The probability to play forever is, unsurprisingly, 0.
What are the communication classes. Which ones are closed and which ones are transient?
Suppose X_0=5. What is the probability that X_n visits the state 1 before the state 4?
Suppose X_0=5. Compute \lim_{n \to \infty} P^n(5, j) for all j?
Exercise 3.2 Suppose we flip a fair coin repeatedly until we have flipped four consecutive heads. What is the expected number of flips that are needed? Hint: Build up a suitable Markov chain with state space \{0,1,2,3,4\}
Suppose the chain starts in state 1. What is the probability it reaches state 6 before reaching state 0?
Suppose the chain starts in state 3. What is the expected number of steps until it reaches 3 again?
Suppose the chain starts in state 0. What is the expected number of steps until it reaches state 6?
Exercise 3.4 (Random walk on the complete graph) The complete graph with vertex sets \{1, \cdots, N\} is the graph such that any two vertex are joined by an edge. Let X_n be the simple random walk on this graph.
Let \tau^{(1)} be the first time the chain returns to state 1. Compute the p.d.f of \tau^{(1)} conditioned on X_0=1. Use this to compute E[ \tau^{(1)}| X_0=1].
Compute E[ \tau^{(1)}| X_0=2]
Find the expected number of steps T_N until every one of the N state has been visited at least once. Hint: Let T_k be the time until k distinct states have been visited at least once. Compute first E[T_k - T_{k-1}].
Exercise 3.5 Every night Bob and Catherine go out to one of three bar A, B, or C. For each of Bob and Catherine their visits to bars are independent of each other and are governed by Markov chains with the same transition probabilities.
1/2 & 1/4 & 1/4 \\
1/4 &1/4 & 1/2 \\
0 & 1/2 & 1/2 \\
Let us denote X_n and Y_n the bar visited by Bob and Catherine respectively on day n and let us suppose that X_0= A and Y_0=C and let T denote the first day when Bob and Catherine are in the same bar:
T= \min\{ n \,;\, X_n = Y_n \}
Find E[T].
What is the probability they first meet in bar C, i.e. compute P(X_T=C).
In the long run what is the proportion of time they spend in the same bar.
Hint: You should consider the 9 state Markov chain Z_n = (X_n,Y_n).
Exercise 3.6 You can use absorbing state to compute tabu probabilities, i.e. probabilities of reaching some given state while avoiding some other states. For example the weather in the island of H is either 1=sunny, 2=cloudy, or 3=rainy and evolve according to a Markov chain with transition probabilties
0.70 & 0.10 & 0.20 \\
0.50 & 0.25 & 0.25 \\
0.40 & 0.30 & 0.30 \\
Compute the probability that there is no rain in the next five days given that it is sunny today. Hint Consider the transition matrix \tilde P where 3 is transformed into an absorbing state.
Compute the probability that there is no rain in the next five days given that it is rainy today. Hint: Condition first on tomorrow’s weather and use \tilde P
Exercise 3.7 (Free casino money) You highschool friend W. B. now owns a casino in Macao. He is so happy to see you again that he gives you infinite credit at a table of craps to play the “pass line bet” which is an even money bet with probability of winning equal to 244/495. The maximal allowed bet is $ 1,000. What is the expected size of the present your friend is giving you?
Exercise 3.8 (Roger Federer) In his commencement speech in Dartmouth college the swiss tennisman Roger Federer stated “I won almost 80% of singles matches… But I only won 54% of points. Even top ranked tennis players win barely more than half the points they play.” (see the speech at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LnfOJDZm-9U) Continue the analysis of tennis we started in Section 3.8 where we computed the probability to win a “game”. A tennis match is played in five sets (best of five, the player who first wins three sets wins the match). A set is won when a player wins 6 games and two games ahead. If the scores reaches 6-5 then there are 2 possibilites. In the tie-break method when a score of 6-5 occurs then a plyer can win 7-5 or of if it reaches 6-6 a tie-break ensue. In the advantage set method games are played until until one player is to games ahead (Famously in in 2010 a set see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Isner%E2%80%93Mahut_match_at_the_2010_Wimbledon_Championships) ended with the score 70–68 and lasted more than 6 hours. Details are in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tennis_scoring_system.
Hint: Using the negative binomial distribution will be helpful.
Is the statement of Roger Federer consistent with our model?
Exercise 3.9 (Computer exercise)
Write a code which take a Markov chain and returns in canonical form.
Add to the previous code the computation of the time until absorption and the absorption probabilities.
4 Markov chains with countable state space
4.1 Examples
We introduce some basic examples of Markov chains on a countable state space
Example 4.1 (Random walk on the non-negative integers) Let us consider a random walk on the set of nonnegative integers with partially reflecting boundary conditions at 0. The transition probabilities are given by
0 \\ 1 \\ 2 \\ \vdots
q & p & 0 &0 & 0 &\ldots \\
q & 0 & p &0 & 0 &\ldots \\
0 & q & 0 & p & 0& \ldots \\
\vdots & \vdots & \ddots & \ddots & \ddots& \\
\quad \quad \textrm{ with } q=1-p
Example 4.2 (Discrete-time queueing model) At a service station (think of a cash register), during each time period there is a probability p that an additional customer comes in the queue. The first person in the queue is being served and during each time period there is a probability q that this person exits the queue.
We denote by X_n the number of people in the queue (either in being served or waiting in line). The state space is S = \{ 0,1,2,3, \cdots \} and the transition probabilities are given by
0\\1\\2\\ \vdots
1-p & p & 0 &0 & \ldots \\
q(1-p) & qp + (1-p)(1-q) & p(1-q) &0 & \ldots \\
0 & q(1-p) & qp + (1-p)(1-q) & p(1-q) & \\
\vdots& \vdots & \ddots & \ddots & \ddots & \\
Example 4.3 (Repair shop) A repair shop is able to repair one item on any single day. On day nZ_n items break down and are brought for repair to the repair shop and we assume that Z_n are IID random variables with pdf P\{ Z_n = k\} = a_k for k=0,1,2, \cdots. If X_n denotes the number of item in the shop waiting to be repaired we have
X_{n+1} = \max \{ (X_n -1), 0 \} + Z_n
The state space is S = \{ 0,1,2,3, \cdots \} and the transition probabilities are
0\\1\\2 \\ \vdots
a_0 & a_1 & a_2 & a_3 & \cdots \\
a_0 & a_1 & a_2 & a_3 & \cdots \\
0 & a_0 & a_1 & a_2 & \cdots \\
\vdots & \vdots & \vdots & \vdots &
\quad \quad
\textrm{ with } \sum_{k=0}^\infty a_k =1
Example 4.4 (Success run chain) Imagine a player taking a series of bets labelled 0,1,2, \cdots. The probability to win bet j is p_j. If the player wins bet j they move up to bet j+1 but if they lose they move back to bet 0. If X_n denotes the number of successive winning bets then X_n has state space S = \{ 0,1,2,3, \cdots \} and transition probabilities
0\\1\\2 \\ \vdots
q_0 & p_0 & 0 &0 & \ldots \\
q_1 & 0 & p_1 &0 & \ldots \\
q_2 & 0 & 0 & p_2 & \\
\vdots & \vdots & & \ddots & \ddots \\
\quad \quad \textrm{ with } q_i=1-p_i
This Markov chain has allows for nice analytical computations.
Example 4.5 (Simple d-dimensional random walk) The state space S of the Markov chain is the d-dimensional lattice \mathbb{Z}^d. We denote by {\bf e}_i, i=1, \cdots, d the standard orthonormal basis in \mathbb{R}^d. We view \mathbb{Z}^d as the vertex set of a graph and any point {\bf x=(x_1, \cdots, x_d)} is connected by edges to 2d neighbors {\bf x} \pm {\bf e}_i. For the simple random walk we have
p({\bf x}, {\bf x} \pm {\bf e}_i) \,=\, \frac{1}{2d}
and all the others p({\bf x},{\bf y})=0.
Example 4.6 (Branching process) The branching process, also known as the Galton-Watson process model the evolution over time of populations.
In a unit of time every individual in a population dies and leave behind a random number of descendents.
To describe the Markov chain we will use IID random variables Z_n^{(k)} indexed by n=0,1,2\cdots and k=0,1,2,\cdots.
The branching process is given by
X_{n+1} \,=\, \sum_{k=1}^{X_n} Z_n^{(k)}
which simply says that the each of X_n individuals in the population at time n has a random number Z_n^{(k)} of descendents. It is not convenient to write down the transition probabilities but we will study this process later using its moment generating function.
4.2 Transience/recurrence dichotomy
In Markov chains on a countable state space a new phenomenon occurs compared to finite state space. Suppose the the Markov chain is irreducible (or starts in a closed class), from a state i the Markov chain will return to i with positive probaility but it is also possible that the Markov chain does not return to i and “wander away to infinity”.
We introduce the corresponding definitions of transience and recurrence of a state. Recall that the return time to state i is given by
\tau(i) = \min \{ n \ge 1 \,;\, X_n =i \}\,. \quad (\text{return time})
Definition 4.1 (recurrent and transient state)
A state i is recurrent if if the Markov chain starting in i will eventually return to i with probability 1, i.e. if
P \left\{ \tau(i) < \infty |X_0=i \right\} = 1 .
A state i is transient if it is not recurrent, that is starting in i the Markov chain return to i with probability q<1, i.e., if
P \left\{ \tau(i)< \infty |X_0=i \right\} = q < 1 .
Recall also the random variable Y(i) which counts the number of visits to state j:
Y(i) = \sum_{k=0}^\infty I_{\{X_k=i\}} \quad \textrm{ with expectation } \quad E[Y(i)|X_0=j] = \sum_{n=0}^\infty P^n(j,i)
Theorem 4.1 (Transience/recurrence dichotomy)
A state i is recurrent \displaystyle \iff P\{ Y(i)=\infty | X_0=i \}=1 \iff \sum_{n=0}^\infty P^{n}(i,i) = \infty.
Moreover if i is recurrent and i \leftrightsquigarrow j then j is recurrent and we have
\sum_{n=0}^\infty P^n(i,j) = \infty \quad \text{ and } \quad
P \left\{ \tau(j) < \infty |X_0= i \right\} = 1
The state i is transient \displaystyle \iff P\{ Y(i)<\infty | X_0=i \} =1 \iff \sum_{n=0}^\infty P^{n}(i,i) < \infty.
Moreover if i is transient and i \leftrightsquigarrow j then j is transient and we have
\sum_{n=0}^\infty P^n(i,j) < \infty
\text{ and }
P \left\{ \tau(j) < \infty |X_0= i \right\} < 1\,.
Proof. If i is recurrent the Markov chain starting from i will return to i with probability 1, and then, by the (strong) Markov property, it will return a second time with probability 1 and therefore infinitely many time with probability 1. This means that Y(i)=\infty almost surely and so \sum_{k} P^{k}(i,i) = + \infty.
If i \leftrightsquigarrow j then then we can find time l and m such that P^l(i,j)>0 and P^m(j,i)>0 and so
\sum_{n=0}^\infty P^{n}(j,j) \ge \sum_{n=0}^\infty P^{n+l+m}(j,j) \ge P^m(j,i) \sum_{n=0}^\infty P^n(i,i) P^l(i,j) = \infty\,,
and j is recurrent. A similar argument shows that \sum_{n=0}^\infty P^n(i,j) = \infty.
It is a consequence of irreducibility that P \left\{\tau(i) < \tau(j) |X_0= j \right\} > 0. (Argue by contraduction, if this probability were 0 by the Markov property, the chain would never visits i starting from j). As a consequence
0\,=\, P \left\{ \tau(j) = \infty |X_0= j \right\} \,\ge\, P \left\{ \tau(i)< \tau(j) |X_0= j \right\}
P \left\{ \tau(j) = \infty |X_0= i \right\}
and therefore P \left\{ \tau(j) < \infty |X_0= i \right\} =1.
On the other hand, if i is transient, by the Markov property again, the random variable Y(i) is a geometric random variable with success probability q<1 which implies that E[Y(i)]=\sum_{k} P^{k}(i,i) = \frac{1}{q} <\infty. This implies all the other equivalence stated. \quad \blacksquare
4.3 Transience/recurrence for the simple random walk.
We analyze the recurence and transience propeties for the simple random walk on \mathbb{Z}^d (see Example 4.5).
As we will see this depends on the dimension. To prove recurrence transience here we compute/estimate directly
\sum_{n=0}^\infty P^n(0,0) = \sum_{n=0}^\infty P^{2n}(0,0)
since X_n is periodic with period 2.
d=1: To return to 0 in 2n steps the Markov chain must take exactly n steps to the left and n steps to the right and thus we have
P^{2n}(0,0) = {2n \choose n} \frac{1}{2^{2n}}
By Stirling’s formula we have n! \sim \sqrt{2 \pi n}e^{-n} n^n where a_n \sim b_n means that \lim a_n/b_n =1. Thus we have
{2n \choose n} \frac{1}{2^{2n}} \sim \frac{1}{2^{2n}} \frac{ \sqrt{2 \pi 2n} e^{-2n} (2n)^{2n}} { 2 \pi n e^{-2n} n^{2n}} = \frac{1}{\sqrt{\pi n}}\,.
Recalling that if a_n \sim b_n then \sum a_n converges if and only if \sum b_n converges we see that the random walk in d=1 is recurrent.
d=2: In dimension 2 to return to 0 in 2n steps the Markov chain must take exactly k steps to the left and k steps to the right and n-k steps up and n-k steps down. Therefore
P^{2n}(0,0) = \sum_{k=0}^n \frac{ 2n!}{ k! k! (n-k)! (n-k)!} \frac{1}{4^{2n}} = \frac{1}{4^{2n}} {2n \choose n} \sum_{k=0}^n {n \choose k} {n \choose n-k}
Now we claim that \sum_{k=0}^n {n \choose k} {n \choose n-k}= {2n \choose n} as can be seen by the counting the number of ways that a team of n can be formed out of n boys and n girls. Therefore
P^{2n}(0,0) = {2n \choose n}^2 \frac{1}{4^{2n}} \sim \frac{1}{\pi n}
and thus the simple random walk is recurrent for d=2 since \sum\frac{1}{n} diverges.
d=3: Similarly as in 2 dimension 2 we find
P^{2n}(0,0) = \sum_{k,j \atop k+j \le n} \frac{ 2n!}{ j! j! k! k! (n-k-j)! (n-k-j)!} \frac{1}{6^{2n}}
= \frac{1}{2^{2n}} {2n \choose n} \sum_{k,j \atop k+j \le n} \left( \frac{1}{3^n} \frac{n!}{j! k! (n-j-k)!} \right)^2
To analyze this quantity we note that, by the multinomial theorem,
\sum_{k,j : k+j \le n} \frac{1}{3^n} \frac{n!}{j! k! (n-j-k)!} =1
Moreover we have
\sum_{i} q_i =1 \implies \sum_{i}q_i^2 \le max_{i} q_i
and thus we only need to the maximum of \displaystyle \frac{n!}{j! k! (n-j-k)!}. If k_0,j_0 is the maximum then we must have for example
\frac{n!}{(j_0-1)! k_0! (n-j_0-k_0+1)!} \le \frac{n!}{(j_0)! k_0! (n-j_0-k_0)!} \implies 2j_0 \le n -k_0 +1 \,.
Repeating the same computation with j_0\to j_0+1, k_0\to k_0-1, k_0 \to k_0+1 gives the set of inequalities
n- j_0 -1 \le 2 k_0 \le n- j_0 +1 \, \quad \textrm{ and } \quad n- k_0 -1 \le 2 j_0 \le n- k_0 +1
which implies that
\frac n3 -1 \le j_0, k_0 \le \frac n3 +1
i.e. j_0 and k_0 are of order n/3. Using Stirling’s formula
P^{2n}(0,0) \le \frac{1}{2^{2n}} {2n \choose n} \frac{1}{3^n} \frac{n!}{ (n/3)! (n/3)! (n/3)! } \sim \frac{3 \sqrt{3}}{2} \frac{1}{ (\pi n)^{3/2}}
which shows that the random walk is transient in dimension 3.
4.4 Transience/recurrence for the succcess run chain
Continuing with Example 4.4 we consider the return time to state 0, \tau(0) whose pdf we can compute explicitly since to return to 0 the only possible paths are 0 \rightarrow 0, 0 \rightarrow 1 \rightarrow 0, 0 \rightarrow 1 \rightarrow 2 \rightarrow 0, and so on. We set u_n \equiv p_0p_1 \cdots p_{n-1} and find
P( \tau(0) = k|X_0=0) = p_0 p_1 p_{k-2}q_{k-1}= p_0 p_1 p_{k-2}(1-p_{k-1}) = u_{k-1} - u_k\,.
P( \tau(0) \le n |X_0=0) = \sum_{k=1}^n P( \tau(0) = k|X_0=0) = (1- u_0) + (u_0-u_1) + \cdots + (u_{n-1} - u_n) = 1 - u_n
P( \tau(0) < \infty|X_0=0) = 1 - \lim_{n\to \infty} u_n
and we obtain that
\textrm{The success run chain is recurrent if and only if } \lim_{n \to \infty} u_n = \lim_{n \to \infty} p_0 \cdots p_{n-1} =0
To have a better handle on this criterion we need a little result from analysis about infinite products.
Lemma 4.1 With q_k=1-p_k and u_n= \prod_{k=0}^{n-1} u_k
Proof. We have \displaystyle \prod_{k=0}^{n-1} p_k > 0 \iff \infty > - \log (\prod_{k=0}^{n-1} p_k ) =- \sum_{k=1}^n \log p_k = - \sum_{k=1}^n \log (1-q_k) Taking n \to \infty shows that
\lim_{n\to \infty} \prod_{k=0}^{n-1} p_k > 0 \iff \sum_{k=1}^\infty \log (1-q_k) \textrm{ converges.}
For this to happen we must have \lim_{k \to \infty} q_k =0. But since \lim_{x \to 0} \log(1-x)/x =1 by L’Hospital rule, we have that \sum_{k=1}^n \log (1-q_k) converges if and only if \sum_{k=1}^n q_k converges. \quad \blacksquare
For the chain to be transient q_k must go to 0 fast enough. If say q_i= \frac{1}{i} then the chain is recurrent while if q_i= \frac{1}{i^2} then it is transient.
4.5 Another criterion for transience
We add one more method to establish transience. For this pick reference state j and consider the hitting time to state j, \sigma(j) (not the return time but we will play with both.)
\alpha(i)\,=\, P \left\{ \sigma(j)< \infty | X_0= i \right\}
By definition we have \alpha(j)=1 since \sigma(j)=0 if X_{0} = j. If the chain is transient we must have
\alpha(i) < 1 \quad \textrm { for } i \not= j \,.
since by Theorem 4.1 for i \not=j we have \alpha(i)= P \left\{ \tau(j) < \infty |X_0= i \right\} < 1.
Let us derive an equation for \alpha(i) by conditioning of the first step. For i \not=j
\alpha(i) &= P \left( \sigma(j) < \infty | X_0= i \right) = P \left( \tau(j) < \infty | X_0= i \right) \\
&= \sum_{k \in S} P \left( \tau(j) < \infty | X_1=k \right) P(i,k) = \sum_{k \in S} P \left( \sigma(j)< \infty | X_0=k \right) P(i,k) \\
&= \sum_{k \in S} P(i,k) \alpha(k)
and thus \alpha(i) satisfies the equation
P\alpha(i) = \alpha(i) \,, \quad i \not= j \,.
Theorem 4.2 (A criterion for transience) An irreducible Markov chain X_n is transient if and only if for some state j_0 there exists a solution for the equation
P\alpha(i) = \alpha(i) \textrm { for } i \not= j_0
\tag{4.1} such that
\alpha(j_0)=1 \quad \textrm { and } \quad 0 < \alpha(i) < 1 \quad \textrm { for } i \not= j_0
Proof. We have already established the necessity. In order to show the sufficiency assume that we have found a solution for Equation 4.1 and Equation 4.2. Then for i \not= j_0 we have, using repeatedly the equation P\alpha(i)=\alpha(i)
1 &> \alpha(i) = P\alpha(i) = P(i, j_0) \alpha(j_0) + \sum_{j \not= j_0} P(i, j) \alpha(j) = P(i, j_0) + \sum_{j \not= j_0} P(i, j) P\alpha(j) \\
&= P(i, j_0) + \sum_{j \not= j_0} P(i, j) P(j,j_0) + \sum_{j \not= j_0, k \not= j_0} P(i, j) P(j,k) \alpha(k) \\
&= P(i, j_0) + \sum_{j \not= j_0} P(i, j) P(j,j_0) + \sum_{j,k \not= j_0} P(i, j) P(j,k) P(k,j_0) + \cdots \\
&= P(\tau(j_0)=1|X_0=i) + P(\tau(j_0)=2|X_0=i) + P(\tau(j_0)=3|X_0=i) + \cdots \\
&= P(\tau(j_0)< \infty|X_0=i)\,.
which establishes transience. \quad \blacksquare
4.6 Transience/recurrence for the RW on \{0,1,2,\cdots \}
Continuing with Example 4.1 we use Theorem 4.2. We pick 0 as the reference state and for j \not=0 solve the equation
P\alpha(j) = P(j, j-1) \alpha(j-1) + P(j, j+1) \alpha(j+1) = (1-p) \alpha(j-1) + p \alpha(j+1) = \alpha(j)
whose solution is (like for the Gambler’s ruin problem)
\alpha(j) = \left\{ \begin{array}{cl} C_1 + C_2 \left( \frac{1-p}{p}\right)^j & \textrm{ if } p \not= \frac{1}{2} \\
C_1 + C_2 j & \textrm{ if } p = \frac{1}{2}
\right. \,.
Using that \alpha(0)=0 we find
\alpha(j) = \left\{ \begin{array}{cl} (1-C_2) + C_2 \left( \frac{1-p}{p}\right)^j & \textrm{ if } p \not= \frac{1}{2} \\
(1-C_2) + C_2 j & \textrm{ if } p = \frac{1}{2}
\right. \,.
and we see the condition 0 < \alpha(i) < 1 is possible only if (1-p)/p < 1 (that is p > 1/2) and by choosing C_2=1. Thus we conclude
\textrm{ The random walk on } \{0,1,2, \cdots\} \textrm{ is } \left\{ \begin{array}{l} \textrm{transient for } p> \frac{1}{2} \\
\textrm{recurrent for } p \le \frac{1}{2}
\right. \,.
5 Positive recurrent Markov chains
5.1 Positive recurrence versus null recurrence
A finite state irreducible Markov chain is always recurrent, P(\tau(i) < \infty |X_0=j)=1 and we have proved Kac’s formula for the invariant measure \pi(i) = E[ \tau(i)|X_0=i]^{-1}, that is the random variable \tau(i) has finite expectation.
For a countable state space it is possible for a Markov chain to be recurrent but also that \tau(i) does not have finite expectation. This motivates the following definitions.
Definition 5.1 (Postive and Null recurrence)
A state i is positive recurrent if E[ \tau(i)|X_0=i] < \infty
A state i is null recurrent if it is recurrent but not positive recurrent
We first investigate the relation between recurrence and existence of invariant measures. We first show that if one state j is positive recurrent then there exists a stationary distribution. The basic idea is to decompose any path of the Markov chain into successive visits to the state j. To build up our intuition if a stationary distribution were to exists it should measure the amount of time spent in state i and to measure this we introduce
\mu(i) = E\left[ \sum_{n=0}^{\tau(j)-1} {\bf 1}_{\{X_n=i\}}| X_0=j \right] \quad = \textrm{number of visits to $i$ between two successive visits to $j$}.
Note that \mu(j)=1 since X_0=j, and if j is positive recurrent
\sum_{i} \mu(i) = \sum_{i\in S} E\left[ \sum_{n=0}^{\tau(j)-1} {\bf 1}_{\{X_n=i\}}| X_0=j \right] \,=\, E\left[ \tau(j) \,|\, X_0=j \right] < \infty
and thus
\pi(i)= \frac{\mu(i)}{E[ \tau(i)|X_0=i]}
is a probability distribution.
Theorem 5.1 For a recurrent irreducible Markov chain X_n and a fixed state j, \mu(i) = E[ \sum_{n=0}^{\tau(j)-1} {\bf 1}_{\{X_n=i\}}| X_0=j ] is stationary in the sense that
\mu P = \mu
If the state j is positive recurrent then \mu can be normalized to a stationary distribution \pi.
Proof. The chain visits j at time 0 and then only again at time \tau(j) and thus we have the two formulas
\mu(i) &= E\left[ \sum_{n=0}^{\tau(j)-1} {\bf 1}_{\{X_n=i\}}| X_0=j \right] = \sum_{n=0}^\infty P( X_{n}=i, \tau(j)> n | X_0=j)\\
&= E\left[ \sum_{n=1}^{\tau(j)} {\bf 1}_{\{X_n=i\}}| X_0=j \right]
= \sum_{n=1}^{\infty} P( X_n=i, \tau(j) \ge n | X_0=j )
We have then, by conditioning on the last step, and using \mu(j)=1
\mu(i) &= \sum_{n=1}^{\infty} P( X_n=i, \tau(j)\ge n | X_0=j ) = P(j,i) + \sum_{n=2}^\infty P( X_n =i, \tau(j)\ge n | X_0=j) \\
&= P(j,i) +\sum_{k \in S, k\not=j} \sum_{n=2}^\infty P( X_n =i, X_{n-1}=k, \tau(j)\ge n | X_0=j) \\
&= P(j,i) +\sum_{k \in S, k\not=j} \sum_{n=2}^\infty P(k,i) P( X_{n-1}=k, \tau(j)\ge n | X_0=j) \\
&= P(j,i) +\sum_{k \in S, k\not=j} \sum_{n=2}^\infty P(k,i) P( X_{n-1}=k, \tau(j)> n-1 | X_0=j) \\
&= P(j,i) +\sum_{k \in S, k\not=j} \sum_{m=1}^\infty P(k,i) P( X_{m}=k, \tau(j)> m | X_0=j) \\
&= \mu(j) P(j,i) + \sum_{k\not=j} E\left[ \sum_{m=1}^{\tau(j)-1} {\bf 1}_{\{X_m=k\}}| X_0=j \right] P(k,j) \\
&= \mu(j) P(j,i) + \sum_{k\not=j} \mu(k) P(k,i) \,=\, \sum_{k} \mu(k) P(k,i)
which proves the invariance of \mu. If the chain is positive recurrent we have already seen that \mu is normalizable. \quad \blacksquare.
5.2 Stationarity and irreducibility implies positive recurrence
Theorem 5.2 Assume the irreducible Markov chain has a stationary distribution \pi(i) then \pi(i)>0 for any i and we we have Kac’s formula \pi(i) = E \left[ \tau(i) | X_0=i \right]^{-1}. In particular all states are positive recurrent and the stationary distribution is unique.
Proof. Let us assume that \pi is invariant. We first show that the chain must be recurrent. If the chain were transient then we would have P^n(i,j) \to 0 as n \to \infty and so by dominated convergence
\pi(i) = \sum_{j} \pi(j) P^n(j,i) \to 0 \textrm{ as } n \to \infty \,.
which is impossible.
The fact that \pi(i)>0 for all i\in S is proved as for finite state space see the argument in Theorem 2.2.
To prove positive recurrence we use a clever argument involving the time reversed chain (more on time reversal in Chapter 8 and in the exercises). Consider the Markov chain with transition matrix Q(i,j)=\frac{\pi(j) P(j,i)} {\pi(i)}. It is easy to verify that Q(i,j) is a transition matrix and that \pi is stationary for Q, \pi Q=\pi. We denote by Y_n the Markov chain with transition matrix Q, since \pi(i)>0 this Markov chain has the same communication structure as X_n and is irreducible since X_n is. By the previous argument Y_n must be recurrent.
Next we write
\pi(i) E[ \tau(i) |X_0=i] \,=\, \pi(i) \sum_{n=1}^\infty P (\tau(i) \ge n |X_0=i)
The event \{\tau(i) \ge n \} conditioned on \{ X_0=i\} correspond to a sequence of states
i_0=i, i_1, \cdots \cdots, i_{n-1}, i_n=j
where i_1, \cdots, i_{n-1} cannot be equal to i and i_n=j can be any state. Using repeatedly the relation \pi(i)P(i,j)= \pi(j)Q(j,i) the probability of such event can be written as
\pi(i) P(i,i_1) \cdots P(i_{n-1}, i_n) &= \pi(j) Q(j,i_{n-1}) \cdots Q(i_1, i)
For the Markov chain Y_n this correspond to a path starting in j and returning to i after exactly n steps. Therefore we find
\pi(i) E[ \tau(i) |X_0=i] = \pi(i) \sum_{n =1}^\infty P (\tau(i) \ge n |X_0=i)
&= \sum_{j \in S} \pi(j)\sum_{n=1}^\infty P ( \tau(i) =n | Y_0 = j) \\
&= \sum_{j \in S} \pi(j) P( \tau(i) < \infty|Y_0 = j) =1 \,.
where for the last equality we have used the recurrence of the time reversed chain. This shows Kac’s formula which implies the uniqueness of the stationary distribution and that all states are positive recurrent. \quad \blacksquare
5.3 Ergodic theorem for countable Markov chains
Theorem 5.3 (Ergodic theorem for countable state space Markov chains) If X_n is irreducible and positive recurrent then there exists a unique stationary distribution \pi and for any initial distribution \mu we have
\lim_{n \to \infty} \frac{1}{n} \sum_{k=0}^{n-1} {\bf 1}_{\{X_k=j\}} \,=\, \pi(j) \,,
with probability 1. In particular \lim_{n \to \infty} \frac{1}{n} \sum_{k=0}^{n-1} \mu P^k(j) \,=\, \pi(j),. Moreover \pi we have the Kac’s formula \pi(j) =\frac{1}{E[ \tau(j) |X_0= j]}. Conversely if an irreducible Markov has a stationary distribution then it is positive recurrent.
Proof. We have actually already proved all of it. Positive recurrence implies the existence of the stationary distribution (Theorem 5.1) and Kac’s formula is from Theorem 5.2 which implies uniqueness of the stationary distribution. We can now repeat the proof of Theorem 2.6 to show that if X_0=i with i arbitrary we have
\lim_{n \to \infty} \frac{1}{n} \sum_{k=0}^{n-1} {\bf 1}_{\{X_k=j\}} = \pi(j) \,.
\tag{5.1} The reader should verify that the proof of Theorem 2.6 only use positive recurrence and not the finiteness of the state space. Taking now expectation of Equation 5.1 and summing over initial condition we have \lim_{n \to \infty} \frac{1}{n} \sum_{k=1}^{n} \mu P^k(j) \,=\, \pi(j). \quad \blacksquare
5.4 Convergence to equilibrium via coupling
We continue our theoretical consideration by proving that if the chain is aperiodic then the distribution of X_n converges to \pi(j).
Theorem 5.4 Suppose X_n is an irreducible positive recurrent aperiodic Markov chain. Then for any initial distribution \mu we have
\lim_{n \to \infty} \mu P^n(j) \,=\, \pi(j) \,.
Proof. We will use a coupling argument: we take two independent copies X_n and Y_n of the Markov chain where X_n is starting in the initial distribution \mu while Y_n is starting in the stationary distribution \pi.
The idea is to consider the coupling time
\sigma = \inf\{ n \ge 1 ; X_n = Y_n\} \,.
At the (random) time \sigma, X_n and Y_n are in the same state and after that time X_n and Y_n must have the same distribution by the (strong) Markov property. But since Y_n is distributed according to \pi so must X_n be as well and thus, at the coupling time \sigma, X_n has reached stationarity.
Let us now consider the chain Z_n=(X_n,Y_n) with transition probabilities
P( Z_{n+1} = (k,l) \,|\, Z_n=(i,j) ) = P(i,k) P(j,l)
and stationary distribution \pi( i,j) = \pi(i) \pi(j). Since X_n and Y_n are aperiodic, given states i,j,k,l we can find n_0 such that for every n \ge n_0 we have P^n(i,k) > 0 and P^n(j,l)>0. This implies that Z_n is irreducible and thus, since a stationary measure exists, by Theorem 5.3 the chain Z_n is positive recurrent. Since the coupling time is the first time the Markov chain Z_n hits a state of the form (j,j), recurrence of Z_n implies that P( \sigma < \infty)=1 and thus P(\sigma >n ) \to 0.
Remark The idea of coupling used in Theorem 5.4 is an instance of powerful idea. First we can use other coupling that the one used here and if we can bound the tail behavior of the coupling time then we can control the speed of convergence to the stationary distribution! We will exploit this idea later on.
5.5 Examples
Positive recurrence for the random walk on \{0,1,2, \cdots\}. Continuing with Example 4.1, we use Theorem 5.3 to establish positive recurrence by computing the stationary distribution. We find the equations
\pi(0) (1-p) + \pi(1)(1-p) = \pi(0) \quad \textrm{ and } \quad \pi(j+1)(1-p) + \pi(j-1)p = \pi(j) \quad \textrm{ for }j \ge 1
The second equation has the general solution
\pi(n)=C_1 + C_2 \left(\frac{p}{1-p}\right)^n \,\,\,(\textrm{if }p\not=\frac12) \quad \textrm{ and } \quad \pi(n)=C_1 + C_2n\,\,\, (\textrm{ if } p=\frac12)
and the first equation gives \pi(1)=\frac{p}{1-p}\pi(0). For p=\frac{1}{2} we cannot find a normalized solution. For p < \frac{1}{2} we can choose C_1=0 and \pi(n) = \left(\frac{p}{1-p}\right)^n \pi(0) can be normalized toi find \pi(n) = \frac{1-2p}{1-p} \left(\frac{p}{1-p}\right)^n. If p> \frac{1}{2} we already know the Markov chain is transient and thus
\textrm{ The random walk on } \{0,1,2, \cdots\} \textrm{ is } \left\{ \begin{array}{l} \textrm{transient for } p> \frac{1}{2} \\
\textrm{null recurrent for } p = \frac{1}{2} \\
\textrm{positive recurrent for } p < \frac{1}{2} \\
\right. \,.
Positive recurrence for the success run chain. Continuing with Examples Example 4.4 we determine recurrence by solving \pi P=\pi. This gives the equations
\pi(0) &= \pi(0) q_0 + \pi(1)q_1 + \cdots = \sum_{n=0}^\infty \pi(n) q_n \\
\pi(1) &= \pi(0) p_0\,, \quad \pi(2) = \pi(1) p_1, \quad \cdots
From the second line we find \pi(n) = \pi(0) p_0 p_1 \cdots p_{n-1} and inserting into the first equation
\pi(0) = \pi(0) \left[ (1-p_0) + p_0 (1-p_1) + p_0 p_1(1-p_2) + \cdots \right] = \pi(0) \left[ 1 - \lim_{n \to \infty} p_0 p_1 \cdots p_{n-1}\right]
Recall that recurrence occurs provided \lim_{n\to \infty} \prod_{j=0}^{n-1} p_j = 0 and so if X_n is recurrent there exists a solution of \pi P=\pi and we can normalize \pi provided
\sum_{n=1}^\infty \prod_{j=0}^{n-1} p_j < \infty
Therefore we obtain
\textrm{ The success run chain is } \left\{ \begin{array}{l} \textrm{transient if } \lim_{n} \prod_{j=0}^{n-1} p_j >0 \\
\textrm{recurrent if } \lim_{n} \prod_{j=0}^{n-1} p_j = 0 \\
\textrm{positive recurrent if } \sum_{n} \prod_{j=0}^{n-1} p_j < \infty \\
\right. \,.
5.6 Exercises
These exercises will use the material of both Section 4 and Section 5
Exercise 5.1 Consider the following queueing model. In any given time unit, there is probability q that an item being serviced is repaired and there is a probability p that new item is added to the queue. Denote X_n to be the numbers of items in the queue (being repaired or waiting to be repaired). The transition probabilities are given by
0 \\ 1 \\ 2 \\ \vdots
1-p & p & 0 &0 & \ldots \\
q(1-p) & qp + (1-p)(1-q) & p(1-q) &0 & \ldots \\
0 & q(1-p) & qp + (1-p)(1-q) & p(1-q) & \\
\vdots & & \ddots & \ddots & \ddots \\
Determine when the Markov chain is transient, recurrent, or positive recurrent.
In the positive recurrent case compute the stationary distribution and the length of the queue in equilibrium.
In the transient case compute the probability \alpha(j) of ever reaching 0 starting from j.
Exercise 5.2 Let p(k), k=0,1,2,3,\cdots be such that \sum_{k=0}^\infty p(k)=1. Consider the Markov chain on the state space S\,=\,\{0,1,2,3, \cdots \} with transition probabilities
0 \\ 1 \\ 2 \\ \vdots
p(0) & p(1) & p(2) &p(3) & \ldots \\
1 & 0 & 0 &0 & \ldots \\
0 & 1 & 0 & 0 & \\
\vdots& \vdots & \ddots & \ddots & \ddots & \ddots \\
Starting from zero the Markov chain X_n visits state k with probability p(k) and then falls back to 0 one step at a time.
Determine under which conditions on p_k is the Markov chain positive recurrent, null recurrent, transient? Compute the stationary distribution \pi in the positive recurrent case. Hint: Study the distribution of the return time \tau{(0)}.
Exercise 5.3 Consider the Markov chain with state space \{0,1,2,\cdots\} with transition probabilities
0 \\ 1 \\ 2 \\ \vdots
1-p & 0 & p &0 & 0 & \ldots \\
1-p & 0 &0 &p & 0 & \ldots \\
0 & (1-p) & 0 & 0 & p & \ldots \\
\vdots& & \ddots & \ddots & \ddots & \ddots & \\
For which values of p is the chain transient, recurrent, positive recurrent?
Exercise 5.4 For each of the following success run Markov chain with state space \{0, 1,2, \cdots \} determine if the chain is transient, recurrent, positive recurrent. (If it is positive recurrent compute the stationary distribution \pi).
Exercise 5.5 In this problem we are interested in how long should we wait until we a series of n consecutive occurences in a sequence of independent trials. Suppose B_1, B_2, \cdots are independent Bernoulli random variables random variables with P(B_j =1) = 1- P(B_j= 0) = p. Let N be a positive integer and let T_N be the first time that N consecutive 1 have appeared.
Consider the Markov chain with X_0=0 and X_n to be the number of consecutive 1 in the last run.
Explain why X_n is a Markov chain with state space \{0,1, 2, \cdots \} and give the transition probabilities.
Show that the chain is irreducible and positive recurrent and give the invariant probability.
Find E(T_N) by writing an equation for E(T_N) in terms of E[T_{N-1}] and then solving the recursive equation.
Find E(T_N) is a different way. Suppose the chain starts in state N, and let S_N be the the time until returning to state N and S_0 the time until the chain reaches state 0. Explain why
E[S_N] = E[S_0] + E[T_N]
Find E[S_0], and use part (b) to determine E[T_N].
6 Branching processes
6.1 Moment generating function
For a random variable X taking values in \{0,1,2,3,\cdots\} the generating function of X is the function \phi_X(s)=E[s^X], defined for s\ge 0. We have
\phi_X(s) = E[s^X] = \sum_{k=0}^\infty s^k P\{X=k\}
It is closely related to the moment generating function E[e^{tX}] but the parametrization s=e^t is more useful her.
Elementary properties of \phi_X(s):
\phi_X(s) is an increasing function of s with \phi_X(0)=P\{X=0\} and \phi_X(1)=1.
Differentiating gives
\phi_X'(s) = \sum_{k=1}^\infty k s^{k-1} P\{X=k\}\,, \quad \quad \phi_X''(s) =\sum_{k=1}^\infty k(k-1) s^{k-2} P\{X=k\}
and thus \phi_X'(1)=E[X].
If P\{X \ge 2\} then \phi_X''(s)>0 and \phi_X is strictly convex.
If X_1, X_2, \cdots X_m are independent random variables then
\phi_{X_1 + \cdots + X_m}(s) = \phi_{X_1}(s) \cdots \phi_{X_1}(s)
6.2 Branching process
In a branching process individuals reproduce independently of each other.
During one time period each indvidual dies and leaves k offsprings with probability p(k) for k=0,1,2, \cdots. We denote by X_n the total population after n time period.
0 is an absorbing state and correspond to the extinction of the population. We assume p(0)>0 so the absorbing state can be reached from other states.
The transition probbailities are not easy to write down explicitly. If X_n=k then X_{n+1} will be the sum of the offsprings of the k indviduals. That is
P\{X_{n+1}=j | X_n=k \} = P\{ Y_1 + \cdots + Y_k =j\}
where Y_1, \cdots, Y_k are IID random variables with pdf p(k).
Mean population E[X_n] is easy to compute by conditioning. Denoting by \displaystyle \mu=E[Y_1]=\sum_{n=0}^\infty np(n) the mean number of offsprings of the individuals we have
E[X_n|X_{n-1}=k] = E[Y_1 +\cdots + Y_k]=k\mu
and thus
E[X_n] = E[ E[X_{n}|X_{n-1}]] = \mu E[X_{n-1}] =\cdots = \mu^n E[X_0]
If \mu <1 then E[X_n] \to 0 and so the population goes extinct since
P\{ X_n \ge 1\} = \sum_{k=1}^\infty P\{X_n=k\} \le \sum_{k=0}^\infty k P\{X_n=k\} =E[X_n] \to 0
and so \displaystyle \lim_{n \to \infty} P\{ X_n=0 \} = 1.
If \mu=1 then the population stays constant but it could go extinct with probability 1 nonetheless (that is P(X_n=0 goes to 1 but E[X_n] is not small). If \mu>1 then the population grows on average but it still could go extinct with some non-zero probability.
To avoid trival cases we assume that p(0)>0 (the population can go extinct) and p(0)+p(1)< 1 (the population can grow). We define the extinction probability
a_n(k) &= P\{ X_n=0 | X_0=k\} \quad \text{this is increasing in } n\\
a(k) & = \lim_{n \to \infty} P\{ X_n=0 | X_0=k\} = P \left\{ \textrm{population goes extinct} | X_0=k \right\}
Since for the population to go extinct all branches must go extinct, by independence, we have
a(k) = a(1)^k \quad \textrm{ so we set } a \equiv a(1)
and we assume from now on that X_0=1. Note this formula is also correct for k=0 since a(0)=1.
Equation for the extinction probability a. By conditioning on the first step
a & = P \left\{ \textrm{population goes extinct} | X_0=1 \right\} \\
& = \sum_{k=0}^\infty P \left\{ \textrm{population goes extinct} | X_1=k \right\}P\{X_1=k|X_0=1\} \\
& = \sum_{k=0}^\infty a(k) p(k) \\
& = \sum_{k=0}^\infty a^k p(k) = \phi_Z(a)
where \phi_Z(s) is the generating function for the offspring distribution Z. So we have
\textrm{ The extinction probability solves the fixed point equation } \phi_Z(a)=a \,.
this is a nice illustration of why moment generating functions are useful!
Compute now the generating function for the population X_n after n generations.
If X_0=1, \phi_{X_0}(s)=s and \phi_{X_1}(s) = \phi_Z(s) since X_1 are the descendents of a single individiual. For n\ge 2
\phi_{X_n}(s) &= \sum_{k=0}^\infty P \left\{ X_n= k\right\} s^k \\
&= \sum_{k=0}^\infty \left[ \sum_{j=0}^\infty P \left\{ X_n= k|X_1=j\right\}P\left\{ X_1=j\right\}\right] s^k \\
&= \sum_{j=0}^\infty p(j) \sum_{k=0}^\infty P \left\{ X_n= k|X_1=j\right\} s^k
Now note that X_n conditioned on X_1=j is the sum of j independent copies of X_n conditioned on X_1=1. Therefore the generating of function X_n conditioned on X_1=j is the generating function of X_n conditioned on X_1=1 to the j^{th} power. So we find
\phi_{X_n}(s)= \sum_{j=0}^\infty p(j) [\phi_{X_{n-1}}(s)]^s = \phi_Z(\phi_{X_{n-1}}(s))
and thus we get
\phi_{X_n}(s) = \phi_Z^n(s) = \phi_Z ( \phi_Z( \cdots (\phi_Z(s))))
Using these computations we are ready to derive the main result
Theorem 6.1 Let Z be random variable describing the distribution of descendants of a single individual in a branching process and let us assume that p(0)>0 and p(0)+p(1)<1. Then if X_0=1 the extinction probability is the smallest root of the equation \phi_Z(a)=a.
If \mu \le 1 then a=1 and the population eventually dies out.
If \mu>1 then the extinction probability a<1 is the unique root of the equation \phi_Z(s)=s with 0 < s < 1.
Proof. We have aready established the extinction probability a is a root of \phi_Z(s)=s. But we also know that 1 is a root since \phi_Z(1)=1 and the slope of \phi_Z is equal to \mu at s=1. Since p(0)+p(1)<1 then \phi_Z(s) is strictly convex and thus \phi_Z(s) has at most two roots. We have the following cases (illustrated in Figure 6.1 on the next slide).
If \mu< 1 the equation \phi_Z(s)=s has two roots 1 and s>1 and the extinction probability is 1.
If \mu= 1 the line s is a tangent to the curve \phi_Z(s) at s=1 and so \phi_Z(s)=s has one roots 1 and the extinction probability is 1.
Finally if \mu> 1 the equation \phi_Z(s)=s has two roots 1 and a<1. Since \phi_Z(0)=p(0)>0 the second root satisfies a>0. To show that the smallest root is the extinction probability note that we have
By induction we show that a_n(1)\le a. True for n=0 since a_0(1)=0. Assuming that a_{n-1}(1)\le a we have
a_n(1)= P \left\{ X_n=0|X_0=1 \right\}= \phi_Z^n(0) = \phi_Z( \phi_Z^{n-1}(0)) =\phi_Z(a_{n-1}(1)) \le \phi_Z(a) =a
where we used that \phi_Z is increasing.This shows that the smallest root is the extinction probability \quad \blacksquare.
Figure 6.1: Extinction probabilities for branching processes
6.3 Examples
p(0)=\frac14, p(1)=\frac14, p(2)=\frac12 \implies \phi(s)=\frac14 + \frac14 s + \frac12 s^2
then \mu=\frac{5}{4}>1 and solving \phi(a)=a gives a=1,\frac12 so the extinction probability is 1/2.
p(0)=\frac14, p(1)=\frac12, p(2)=\frac11 \implies \phi(s)=\frac14 + \frac12 s + \frac14 s^2
then \mu=1 and solving \phi(a)=a gives a=1 so the extinction probability is 1.
p(0)=\frac12, p(1)=\frac14, p(2)=\frac14 \implies \phi(s)=\frac12 + \frac14 s + \frac14 s^2
then \mu=\frac{3}{4}<1 and solving \phi(a)=a gives a=1,2 so the extinction probability is 1.
Remark: The theorem provides a numerical algorithm to find the extinction probability (if \mu <1). Indeed we have shown that the sequence 0, \phi_Z(0), \phi^2(0), \phi^3(0), \cdots converges to a.
import numpy as npdef f(s):return (1/8) + (3/8)*s + (1/8)*s**2+ (1/8)*s**3+ (2/8)*s**4s =0# initial conditionN =20# the number of iterationsfor i inrange(N): s = f(s)print(s)
Recall the Markov chain in Example 4.3. To establish if the system is postive recurrent we try to solve \pi P=\pi and find the system of equations
\pi(0)&= \pi(0)a_0 + \pi(1)a_0 \\
\pi(1)&= \pi(0)a_1 + \pi(1) a_1 + \pi(2)a_0 \\
\pi(2)& = \pi(0)a_2 + \pi(1)a_2 +\pi(2) a_1 + \pi(3)a_0 \\
& \vdots \\
\pi(n)& = \pi(0)a_n + \sum_{j=1}^{n+1} \pi(j) a_{n+1-j}
We solve this using the generating functions \psi(s)=\sum_{n=0}^\infty s^n \pi(n) and \phi(s)=\sum_{k=0}s^k a_k:
\psi(s) = \sum_{n=0}^\infty s^n\pi(n) &= \pi(0) \sum_{n=0}^\infty s^n a_n + \sum_{n=0}^\infty s^n \sum_{j=1}^{n+1} \pi(j) a_{n+1-j}\\
& = \pi(0) \sum_{n=0}^\infty s^n a_n + s^{-1} \sum_{j=1}^\infty \pi(j) s^j \sum_{n=j-1}^\infty s^{n+1-j} a_{n+1-j} \\
&=\pi(0) \phi(s) + s^{-1}(\psi(s)-\pi(0)) \phi(s)
Solving for \psi(s) we find, after some algebra, the equation
\psi(s) = \frac{\pi(0) \phi(s)}{1- \frac{1- \phi(s)}{1-s}}
To see if we can find \pi(0) such that this equation canbe solved we take s \to 1. We have \psi(1)=\phi(1)=1 and we have \displaystyle \lim_{s\to 1}\frac{1- \phi(s)}{1-s}=\phi'(1)=\sum_{k=0}^\infty k a_k=\mu which is the mean number of object arriving in the repair shop in a single day. We find the equation
1= \frac{\pi(0)}{1- \mu}
and so we can find a solution 0 < \pi(0) \le 1 if and only if \mu< 1 and so \pi(0)=1-\mu.
\textrm{ The repair shop Markov chain is positive recurrent iff } \mu < 1
To study transience we use Theorem 4.2 and try to find a solutinon P \alpha(j) =\alpha(j) for j\ge 1 with \alpha(0)=1 and 0 < \alpha(j) <1 for j>1. We find the system of equation
\alpha(1) &= a_0 \alpha(0) + a_1 \alpha(1) + a_2 \alpha(2) + \cdots \\
\alpha(2) &= a_0 \alpha(1) + a_1 \alpha(2) + a_2 \alpha(3) + \cdots \\
\alpha(3) &= a_0 \alpha(2) + a_1 \alpha(3) + a_2 \alpha(4) + \cdots \\
& \vdots \\
\alpha(n) & = \sum_{j=0}^\infty a_j \alpha(j+n-1)
We try for a solution of the form \alpha(j)=s^j which gives
s^n = \sum_{k=0}^\infty a_j s^{j+n-1} = s^{n-1} \phi(s) \implies \phi(s)=s
and from our analys of branching processes we know that a solution with s<1 exists iff \mu= \sum_{k=0}^\infty k a_k >1. So we get
\textrm{ The repair shop Markov chain is transient iff } \mu > 1
and it is null-recurrent if \mu=1.
6.5 Exercises
Exercise 6.1 Consider a branching process with offspring distribution given by p_n. Make this process irreducible by asserting that if the the population ever dies out, then in the next generation one new individual appears (i.e. P_{01}=1). Determine for which values of p_n the chain is positive recurrent and transient.
Exercise 6.2 Given a branching process with the following offspring distributions determine the extinction probability a.
p(k) follows a Poisson distribution with parameter \lambda = 3/2.
Hint: For the last two you need to do it numerically.
Exercise 6.3 Consider the following variant of the branching process. During each time period each individual produces k offsprings with probability p(k) and has probability 0< q < 1 of dying. Hence an individual will reproduce j times where j is the lifetime of the individual. For which choice of values of q and p(n) do we have eventual exctinction probability equal to 1.
7 Reversible Markov chains
7.1 Balance equation
Consider a Markov chain with transition probabilities P(i,j) and stationary distribution \pi(i). We can rewrite the equation for stationarity,
\pi(i)=\sum_{j} \pi(j) P(j,i)
\sum_{j} \pi(i) P(i,j) \,=\, \sum_{j} \pi(j) P(j,i) \,.
\tag{7.1} which we are going to interpret as a balance equation.
We introduce the (stationary) probability current from i to j as
J(i,j) \equiv \pi(i) P(i,j)
\tag{7.2} and Equation 7.1 can be rewritten as
\underbrace{\sum_{ j} J(i,j)}_{\textrm{total current out of state } i} \,=\, \underbrace{\sum_j J(j,i) }_{\textrm{total current into of state i}} \, \quad \quad \textrm{ balance equation }
\tag{7.3} i.e., to be stationary the total probability current out of i must be equal to the total probability current into i.
7.2 Detailed balance
A stronger condition for stationarity can be expressed in terms of the balance between the currents J(i,j). A Markov chain X_n satisfies detailed balance if there exists \pi(i)\ge 0 with \sum_{i} \pi(i)= 1 such that for all i,j we have
\pi(i) P(i,j) \,=\, \pi(j) P(j,i) \quad \textrm{ or equivalently } \quad J(i,j) = J(j,i)
\tag{7.4} This means that for every pair i,j the probability currents J(i,j) and J(j,i) balance each other.
Clearly Equation 7.4 is a stronger condition than Equation 7.3 and thus we have
Lemma 7.1 If the Markov chain satisfies detailed balance for a probability distribution \pi then \pi is a stationary distribution.
But it is easy to see that detailed balance is a stronger condition than stationarity. The property of detailed balance is often also called (time)-reversibility since we have the following results which states that the probability of any sequence is the same as the probability of the time reversed sequence.
Theorem 7.1 (Time reversibility) Suppose the Markov chain X_n satisfies detailed balance and assume that the initial distribution is the stationary distribution \pi. Then for any sequnce of states i_0, \cdots i_n we have
P \left\{ X_{0}= i_0 \,, X_1=i_1\,, \cdots \, , X_n =i_n \right\} \,=\, P \left\{ X_{0}= i_n \,, X_1 = i_{n-1}\,, \cdots \, , X_n =i_0 \right\}
Theorem 7.2 Suppose X_n is a Markov chain with finite state space S and with a symmetric transition matrix, i.e, P(i,j)=P(j,i). Then X_n satisfies detailed balance with \pi(j) = 1 /|S|, i.e., the stationary distribution is uniform on S.
7.3 Examples
Random walk on the hypercube \{0,1\}^m. The state space S is
S= \{0,1\}^m \,=\, \left\{ \sigma = ( \sigma_1, \cdots, \sigma_m) \,;\, \sigma_i \in \{0,1\} \right\}
To define the move of the random walk, just pick one coordinate j \in \{ 1, \cdots, m\} and flip the j^{th} coordinate, i.e., \sigma_j \to 1- \sigma_j. We have thus
P(\sigma, \sigma') =\left\{ \begin{array}{cl} \frac{1}{m} & \text{ if }\sigma \text{ and } \sigma' \text{ differ by one coordinate }
\\ 0 &\text{ otherwise}
Clearly P is symmetric and thus \pi(\sigma) \,=\, 1/ 2^m.
Random walk on the graph G=(E,V) has transition probabilities p(v, w) = \frac{1}{ \text{ deg }(v)}. This Markov chain satifies detailed balance with the (unnormalized) \mu(v) = deg(v). Indeed we have P(v,w) >0 \iff P(w,v)>0 and thus if P(v,w)>0 we have
\mu(v) P(v, w) \,=\, \text{ deg}(v) \frac{1}{{\rm deg} (v)} = 1 \,=\, {\rm deg}(w) \frac{1}{{\rm deg} (w)}= \mu(w) P(w, v) \,.
This is slightly easier to verify that the stationary equation \pi P = \pi. After normalization we find \pi(v) = {\rm deg}(v)/2|E|.
For example for the simple random walk on \{0, 1, \cdots, N\} with reflecting boundary conditions we find \pi \,=\, \left( \frac{1}{2N}, \frac{2}{2N}, \cdots, \frac{1}{2N} \right).
Network Markov chain: The previous example can be generalized as follows. For a given graph G=(E,V) let us assign a positive weight c(e)>0 to each (undirected) edge e= \{v,w\}, that is we choose numbers c(v,w)=c(w,v) with c(v,w)=0 iff v and w are not connected by an edge. If the transition probabilities are given by
P(v,w) \,=\, \frac{c(v,w)}{c(v)} \quad \textrm{ with } c(v) \,=\, \sum_{w} c(v, w) \,,
then it is easy to verify that the Markov chain satisfies detailed balance with
\pi(v) \,=\, \frac{c(v)}{c_G} \quad \textrm{ with } c_G \,=\, \sum_{v} c(v) \,.
Birth-Death Processes Markov chain: Let us consider a Markov chain on the state space S=\{0, \cdots, N\} (N could be infinite) with transition probabilities have the following tridiagonal structure
0 \\1\\2\\3\\ \cdots
r_0 & p_0 & 0 & 0& \cdots \\
q_1 & r_1 & p_1 & 0 & \cdots \\
0 & q_2 & r_2 & p_2 & \cdots \\
\vdots & &\ddots&\ddots & \ddots
This is called a birth and death process since the only possible transition are to move up or down by unit or stay unchanged. Random walks (see Example 1.5 and Example 4.1), discrete queueing models (Example 4.2 ), the Ehrenfest urn model Example 1.6 are special case of birth and death processes.
Birth and death Markov chain always satisfy detailed balance. Indeed the only non trivial detailed balance conditions are
\pi(j)P(j,j+1) = \pi(j+1) P(j+1,j) \implies \pi(j) p_j \,=\, \pi(j+1) q_{j+1} \,, \quad \textrm{ for } j=0, \cdots, N-1 \,.
and this can be solved recursively. We obtain
\pi(1) \,&=\, \pi(0) \frac{p_0}{q_1} \\
\pi(2) \,&=\, \pi(1) \frac{p_1}{q_2} \,=\, \pi(0) \frac{p_0 p_1 }{q_1 q_2} \\
& \vdots \\
\pi(N) \,&=\, \pi(0) \frac{p_0 p_1 \cdots p_{N-1}}{q_1 q_2 \cdots q_{N-1}}
and with normalization \pi(j) \,=\, \frac{ \prod_{k=1}^j \frac{p_{k-1}}{q_k}}{ \sum_{l=0}^N \prod_{k=1}^l \frac{p_{k_1}}{q_k}}. If N is infinite we need the sum in the deominator to be finite.
For example the Ehrenfest urn in Example model has
p_j \,=\, \frac{N-j}{N} \,, \quad q_j \,=\, \frac{j}{N}
and thus we obtain
\pi(j) \,=\, \pi(0) \frac{ \frac{N}{N} \frac{N-1}{N} \cdots \frac{N-(j-1)}{N}}{ \frac{1}{N} \frac{2}{N} \cdots \frac{j}{N}}
\,=\, \pi(0) { N \choose j } \quad \textrm{ and also } \pi(0) =\sum_{j=0}^N {N \choose j} \,=\, 2^N.
7.4 Exercises
Exercise 7.1 A total of m white balls and m black balls are distributed among two urns, each of which contains m balls. At each stage a ball is randomly selected from each urn and the two selected balls are interchanged. Let X_n be the number of black balls in urn 1 after n stages.
Give the transition probabilities of the Markov chain X_n.
Can you guess without any computation guess what the stationary distribution is?
Find the stationary distribution using the detailed balance condition.
Exercise 7.2 (Cycle condition for detailed balance) Suppose X_n an irreducible Markov chain with stationary distribution \pi. Assume that for all pairs i,j we have P(i,j)>0 \iff P(j,i)>0. Show that X_n satisfies detailed balance if and only if for any n and any sequence of state i_0, i_1, i_2, \cdots i_n
P(i_0,i_1) P(i_1, i_2) \cdots P(i_{n-1}, i_n) P(i_n, i_0) \,=\, P(i_0,i_n) P(i_n, i_{n-1}) \cdots P(i_2, i_1) P(i_1, i_0)
Hint: For the “if” part use the convergence to stationary distribution.
Exercise 7.3 (The time reversed chain) Let X_n be an irreducible Markov chain with transition probabilities P(i,j) and stationary distribution \pi(i). Define \widehat{P}(i,j) \,=\, \frac{\pi(j)}{\pi(i)} P(j,i).
Show that \widehat{P}(i,j) is a stochastic matrix and that the corresponding Markov chain \widehat{X}_n is irreducible with stationary distribution \pi.
Show that if the initial distribution is \pi then we have
P \left\{ \widehat{X}_0 = i_0, \widehat{X}_1 = i_1, \cdots, \widehat{X}_n
=i_n\right\} \,=\, P \left\{ X_0= i_n, X_{1}=i_{n-1}, \cdots X_n = i_O
\right\} \,.
which justifies calling the Markov chain \widehat{X}_n to be the time reversed chain.
Wgat is the time reversed chain for the Markov chain with transition matrix
1-p & p & 0 & 0 & \cdots\\
1-p & 0 & p & 0 & \cdots \\
1-p & 0 & 0 & p & \cdots \\
\vdots& & & \ddots & \ddots &
Show that the Markov chains with transition matrices \frac{P + \widehat{P}}{2} and \widehat{P}P satisfy detailed balance with stationary distribution \pi.
Exercise 7.4 (Eigenvalues of P) Let P be the transition matrix of an irreducible Markov chain with finite state space S and stationary distribution \pi.
Show that if P is aperiodic then P has an eigenvalue 1 which is simple (i.e. 0 is a simple root of \textrm{ det}(I - P)) and that all other eigenvalues have absolute value strictly less than 1. Hint: Use the convergence theorem
Prove that if P is periodic with period 2 then P has eigenvalues 1 and -1 each of which is simple. Hint: WLOG you can write P is the block form P=\begin{pmatrix} 0 & P_{01} \\ P_{10} & 0 \end{pmatrix}. Show that 1 is an eigenvalue of P^2 with multiplcity 2. If f=\begin{pmatrix} f_0 \\ f_1 \end{pmatrix} is an eigenvector for P, then consider g=\begin{pmatrix} f_0 \\ - f_1 \end{pmatrix}.
For column vectors f and g define a scalar product on \mathbb{R}^{|S|} by \langle f , g \rangle_\pi \,=\, \sum_{i \in S} \pi(i) f(i) g(i). Let P^\dagger to be the adjoint of P with respect to the scalar product \langle f , g \rangle_\pi, i.e., \langle f , P g \rangle_\pi = \langle P^\dagger f , g \rangle_\pi for all f, g.
Show that P^\dagger are the transition probabilities of the reversed Markov chain from Exercise 7.3 and that the Markov chain is reversible if and only P=P^\dagger.
Show that if the Markov chain is reversible, the eigenvalues of P are real with \lambda_0=1 > \lambda_2 \ge \lambda_3 \cdots \ge \lambda_N \ge -1 and that if the chain is aperiodic then \lambda_N > -1.
Exercise 7.5 A Markov chain is a called a tree process if
P(i,j)>0 \iff P(j,i)>0
For any pair (i,j) there is a unique path i_0=i,i_1, i_2, \cdots, i_N=j such that P(i_k,i_k+1)>0 for k=0, \cdots, N-1.
Show that a irreducible tree process satisfies detailed balance.
8 Markov chain Monte-Carlo
8.1 MCMC
Suppose you are given a certain probability distribution \pi on a set S and you goal is to generate a sample from this distribution. The Monte-Carlo Markov chain (MCMC) method consists in constructing an irreducible Markov chain X_n whose stationary distribution is \pi. Then to generate \pi one simply runs the Markov chains X_n long enough such that it is close to its equilibrium distribution. It turns out that using the detailed balance condition is a very useful tool to construct the Markov chain in this manner.
A-priori this method might seems an unduly complicated way to sample from \pi. Indeed why not simply simulate from \pi directly?
To dispel this impression we will consider some concrete examples but for example we will see that often one want to generate a uniform distribution on a set S whose cardinality |S| might be very difficult.
A large class of model are so-called “energy models” which are described by an explicit function f:S \to \mathbb{R} interpreted as the energy (or weight) of the state. Then one is interested in the stationary distribution
\pi(i) = Z^{-1} e^{-f(i)} \quad \textrm { where } Z= \sum_{i}e^{-f(i)} \textrm{ is a normalization constant}
As we will see computing the normalization constant Z can be very difficult and so one cannot directly simulate from \pi!
The measure \pi assign biggest probability to the states i where f(i) is the smallest, that is they have the smallest energy.
Often (e.g. in economics) the measure is written with a different sign convention \pi(i) = Z^{-1}e^{f(i)} which now favor the states with the highest values of f.
8.2 Proper q-coloring of a graph
For a graph G=(E,V) a proper q-coloring consists of assigning to each vertex v of the graph one of q colors subject to the constraint that if 2 vertices are linked by an edge they should have different colors. The set S' of all proper q-coloring which is a subset of S \,=\, \left\{ 1, \cdots, q\right\}^V. We denote the elements of S by \sigma = \{ \sigma(v)\}_{v \in V} with \sigma(v) \in \{1, \cdots, q\}. The uniform distribution on all such proper coloring is \pi(\sigma) = 1/|S'| for all \sigma \in S'. Even for moderately complicated graph it can be very difficult to compute to |S'|.
Consider the following transition rules:
1. Choose a vertex v of at random and choose a color a at random. 2. Set \sigma'(v) = a and \sigma'(w)=\sigma(w) for w \not=v. 3. If \sigma' is a proper q-coloring then set X_{n+1}=\sigma'. Otherwise set X_{n}=\sigma.
The transition probabilities are then given by
P(\sigma, \sigma') =\left\{
\frac{1}{q |V|} & \textrm{ if } \sigma \textrm{ and } \sigma' \textrm{ differ at exactly one vertex} \\
0 & \textrm{ if }\sigma \textrm{ and } \sigma' \textrm{ differ at more than one vertex} \\
1 - \sum_{\sigma' \not = \sigma} P(\sigma, \sigma') & \textrm{ if } \sigma'=\sigma
Note that P(\sigma, \sigma) is not known explicitly either but is also not used to run the algorithm. The cardinality |S'| is also not needed.
In order to check that the uniform distribution is stationary for this Markov chain it note that P(\sigma, \sigma') is symmetric matrix. If one can change \sigma into \sigma' by changing one color then one can do the reverse transformation too.
8.3 Knapsack problem
This is a classical optimization problem. You own m books and the i^{th} book has weight w_i lb and is worth $ v_i. In your knapsack you can put at most a total of b pounds and you are looking to pack the most valuable knapsack possible.
To formulate the problem mathematically we introduce
w \,&=\, (w_1, \cdots w_m) \in {\bf R}^m &\textrm{ weight vector} \\
v \,&=\, (v_1, \cdots v_m) \in {\bf R}^m &\textrm{ value vector} \\
\sigma\,&=\, (\sigma_1, \cdots \sigma_m) \in \{0,1\}^m &\textrm{ decision vector}
where we think that \sigma_i =1 if the i^{th} book is in the knapsack. The state space is
S' \,=\, \left\{ \sigma \in \{0,1\}^{m} \,;\, \sigma \cdot w \le b \right\}
and the optimization problem is
\textrm{Maximize } v \cdot \sigma \textrm{ subject to the constraint } \sigma \in S'
As a first step we generate a random element of S' using the simple algorithm. If X_n=\sigma then
Choose j \in \{1, \cdots m\} at random.
Set \sigma' \,=\, ( \sigma_1, \cdots, 1-\sigma_j, \cdots, \sigma_m).
If \sigma' \in S', i.e., if \sigma' \cdot w \le b then let X_{n+1}=\sigma'. Otherwise X_{n+1}=\sigma.
In other words, choose a random book. If it is in the sack already remove it. If it is not in the sack add it provided you do not exceed the the maximum weight. Note that the Markov chain X_n is irreducible, since each state communicates with the state \sigma=(0, \cdots, 0). It is aperiodic except in the uninteresting case where \sum_{i} w_i \le b. Finally the transition probabilities are symmetric and thus the uniform distribution the unique stationary distribution.
In the knapsack problem we want to maximize the function f(\sigma)=\sigma\cdot v on the state space. One possible algorithm would be to generate an uniform distribution on the state space and then to look for the maximum value of the function. But it would be a better idea to sample from a distribution which assign higher probabilities to the states which we are interested in, the ones with a high value of f.
Let S be the state space and let f \,:\, S \to \mathbb{R} be a function. It is convenient to introduce the probability distributions define for \beta>0 by
\pi_\beta(i) \,=\, \frac{e^{\beta f(i)}}{Z_\beta} \, \quad \textrm{ with } \quad Z_\beta =\sum_{j \in S} e^{\beta f(j)} \,.
Clearly \pi_\beta assign higher weights to the states i with bigger values of f(i). Let us define
S^* \,=\, \left\{ i \in S \,;\, f(i) = f^* \equiv \max_{j \in S} f(j) \right\} \,.
If \beta=0 then \pi_0 is simply the uniform distribution on S. For \beta \to \infty we have
\lim_{\beta \to \infty} \pi_\beta(i) \,=\, \lim_{\beta \to \infty} \frac{ e^{\beta (f(i)- f^*)}} { |S^*| + \sum_{j \in S\setminus S^*} e^{\beta (f(j) - f^* )}} \,=\,
\begin{array}{cl} \frac{1}{|S^*|} & {\rm ~if~} i \in S^* \\ 0 & {\rm ~if~} i \notin S^* \\
\right. \,,
i.e., for large \beta\pi_\beta is concentrated on the global maxima of f.
8.4 Metropolis algorithm
A fairly general method to generate a distribution \pi on the state space S is given the Metropolis algorithm. This algorithm assumes that you already know how to generate the uniform distribution on S by using a symmetric transition matrix Q.
Theorem 8.1 (Metropolis algorithm) Let \pi be a probability distribution on S with \pi(i)>0 for all i and let Q be a symmetric transition matrix. Consider the Markov chain with the following transition matrix (the Metropolis algorithm). If X_n=i
Choose Y \in S according to Q, i.e., P\{ Y=j \,\vert\, X_n=i\} \,=\, Q(i,j)
Define the acceptance probability \alpha(i,j) \,=\, \min \left \{ 1 \,, \frac{\pi(j)}{\pi(i)} \right\}
Accept Y with probability \alpha(i,Y) by generating random number U. If U \le \alpha then set X_{n+1}= Y (i.e., accept the move) and if U > \alpha then X_{n+1}= X_n (i.e., reject the move).
If Q is an irreducible transition probability matrix on S then the Metropolis algorithm defines an irreducible Markov chain on S which satisfies detailed balance with stationary distribution \pi.
Proof. Let P(i,j) be the transition probabilities for the Metropolis Markov chain. Then we have
P(i,j) \,=\, Q(i,j) \alpha \,=\, Q(i,j) \min \left\{ 1 \,,\, \frac{\pi(j)}{\pi(i)} \right\} \,.
Since we assume \pi(i)>0 for all states i, the acceptance probability \alpha never vanishes. Thus if P(i,j)>0 whenever Q(i,j)>0 and thus P is irreducible if Q is itself irreducible.
In order to check the reversibility we note that
\pi(i) P(i,j) \,=\, Q(i,j) \pi(i) \min \left\{ 1, \frac{\pi(j)}{\pi(i)} \right\} \,=\, Q(i,j) \min \left\{\pi(i)\,,\, \pi(j) \right\}
and the r.h.s is symmetric in i,j and thus \pi(i) P(i,j) =\pi(j) P(j,i). \quad \blacksquare
Note that only the ratios \frac{\pi(j0}{pi(j)} are needed to run the algorithm, in particular we do not need the normalization constant. This is a very important feature of the Metropolis algorithm.
We could have chosen another acceptance probability \alpha(i,j). By inspection of the proof it is enough to pick \alpha(i,j) such that \alpha(i,j) \le 1 and \pi(i) \alpha(i,j) = \pi(j) \alpha(j,i) is symmetric. Some such examples will be considered in the homework and the choice given in Theorem 8.1 is actually optimal in the sense it gives the highest acceptance probability.
The general case with a non-symmetric proposal matrix Q is called the Metropolis-Hastings algorithm. In this case we use the acceptance probability is chosen to be
\alpha(i,j) = \min \left\{ 1, \frac{\pi(j)Q(j,i)}{\pi(i)Q(i,j)} \right\}
and it is not difficult to check (see Homework) that the Metropolis-Hasting algorithm yields a reversible Markov chain with stationary distribution \pi.
8.5 Uniform distribution on a graph
Suppose we are given a graph G=(E,V). Often in application to computer networks or social networks the graph is not fully known. Only local information is available, given a vertetx one knows the vertices one is connected. Nonetheless you can run a random walk on the graph by choosing a edge at random and moving to the corresponding vertex, i.e.
Q(v,w) = \frac{1}{\textrm{ deg}(v)} \textrm{ if } v \sim w
and the stationary distribution is \pi(v) \propto deg(v).
Suppose you wish to generate a uniform distribution on the graph. Then we can use the Metropolis-Hasting to generate a Markov chain with a uniform stationary distribution. We have
\alpha(v,w) = \min\left\{ 1, \frac{Q(w,v)}{Q(v,w)}\right\} =\min\left\{ 1, \frac{\textrm{ deg}(v)}{\textrm{ deg}(w)}\right\} \textrm{ if } v \sim w
and thus the transition matrix
P(v,w) = Q(v,w) \alpha(v,w) =
\frac{1}{\textrm{ deg}(v)} \min\left\{ 1, \frac{\textrm{ deg}(v)}{\textrm{ deg}(w)}\right\}
= \min\left\{ \frac{1}{\textrm{ deg}(v)}, \frac{1}{\textrm{ deg}(w)} \right\}
generates a uniform distribution on a graph.
8.6 Metropolis algorithm for the knapsack problem
Consider the distribution \pi_\beta(\sigma) \,=\, \frac{e^{\beta v \cdot \sigma}}{ Z_\beta} where the normalization constant Z_\beta = \sum_{\sigma \in S'} e^{\beta v \cdot \sigma} is almost always impossible to compute in practice. However the ration
\frac{\pi(\sigma')}{\pi(\sigma)} = e^{\beta v \cdot (\sigma'-\sigma)}
does not involve Z_\beta and is easy to compute.
For this distribution we take as the proposal Q matrix used to generate a uniform distribution on the allowed states of the knapsack (see Knapsack problem) and the Metropolis algorithm now reads as follows. If X_n=\sigma then
Choose j \in \{1, \cdots m\} at random.
Set \sigma' \,=\, ( \sigma_1, \cdots, 1-\sigma_j, \cdots, \sigma_m).
If \sigma'\cdot w >b (i.e. if \sigma \notin S') then X_{n+1}=\sigma. (i.e. reject)
If \sigma'\cdot w \le b then let \displaystyle \alpha \,=\, \min \left\{ 1 , \frac{ \pi(\sigma')}{\pi(\sigma)} \right\} \,=\, \min \left\{1, e^{\beta v \cdot (\sigma' - \sigma)} \right\} \,=\, \left\{ \begin{array}{cl} e^{- \beta v_j} & {\rm ~if~} \sigma_j=1 \\ 1 & {\rm ~if~} \sigma_j=0 \end{array} \right.
Generate a random number U, If U \le \alpha then X_{n+1}=\sigma'. Otherwise X_{n+1}=\sigma.
In short, if you can add a book to your knapsack you always do so, while you remove a book with a probability which is exponentially small in the weight.
8.7 Glauber algorithm
Another algorithm which is widely used for Monte-Carlo Markov chain is the Glauber algorithm which appear in the literature under a variety of other names such as Gibbs sampler in statistical applications, logit rule in economics and social sciences, heat bath in physics, and undoubtedly under various other names.
The Glauber algorithm is not quite as general as the Metropolis algorithm. Indeed we assume that the state space S has the following structure
S \subset \Omega^V
where both \Omega and V are finite sets. For example S \subset \{0,1\}^m in the case of the knapsack problem or S \subset \{ 1, \cdots, q\}^V for the case of the proper q-coloring of a graph. We denote by
\sigma \,=\, \{ \sigma(v) \}_{v \in V} \,, \quad \sigma(v) \in \Omega \,.
the elements of S.
It is useful to introduce the notation
\sigma_{-v} \,=\, \{ \sigma(w) \}_{w \in V, w\not =v}
and we write
\sigma \,=\, ( \sigma_{-v}, \sigma(v) ) \,.
to single out the v entry of the vector \sigma.
Theorem 8.2 (Glauber algorithm) Let \pi be a probability distribution on S\subset \Omega^V and extend \pi to \Omega^V by setting \pi(\sigma)=0 if \sigma \in \Omega^V \setminus S. If X_n \,=\, \sigma then
Choose v \in V at random.
Replace \sigma(v) by a new value a \in \Omega (provided ( \sigma_{-v}, a) \in S) with probability
\frac{ \pi( \sigma_{-v}, a) } {\sum_{ b \in \Omega} \pi( \sigma_{-v}, b)} \,.
The Glauber algorithm defines a Markov chain on S which satisfies detailed balance with stationary distribution \pi.
The irreducibility of the algorithm is not guaranteed a-priori and needs to be checked on a case-by-case basis.
To check detailed balance we note that if P(\sigma, \sigma')\not=0
\pi(\sigma) P(\sigma, \sigma') \,=\, \frac{\pi(\sigma) \pi(\sigma')} {\sum_{ b \in \Omega} \pi( \sigma_{-v}, b)} \,,
and this is symmetric in \sigma and \sigma'. \quad \blacksquare.
8.8 Ising model on a graph
Let G=(E,V) be a graph and let S= \{-1,1\}^V. That is to each vertex assign the value \pm 1, you can think of a magnet at each vertex pointing either upward (+1) or downward (-1). To each \sigma \in S we assign an “energy” H(\sigma) given by
H(\sigma) \,=\, - \sum_{ e=(v,w) \in E} \sigma(v) \sigma(w) \,.
The energy \sigma is minimal if \sigma(v) \sigma(w) =1 i.e., if the magnets at v and w are aligned. Let us consider the probability distribution
\pi_\beta (\sigma) \,=\, \frac{e^{-\beta H(\sigma)} }{Z_\beta} \,, \quad Z_\beta \,=\, \sum_{\sigma} e^{-\beta H(\sigma)} \,.
The distribution \pi_\beta is concentrated around the minima of H(\sigma). To describe the Glauber dynamics note that
H ( \sigma_{-v}, 1) - H( \sigma_{-v}, -1) \,=\, -2 \sum_{ w\,;\, w \sim v} \sigma(w)
and this can be computed simply by looking at the vertices connected to v and not at all the graph. So the transition probabilities for the Glauber algorithm are given by picking a vertex at random and then updating with probabilities
\frac{ \pi( \sigma_{-v}, \pm 1)} { \pi( \sigma_{-v}, 1) + \pi( \sigma_{-v}, -1) } \,=\, \frac{1}{ 1 + e^{\pm \beta \left[ H ( \sigma_{-v}, 1) -
H( \sigma_{-v}, -1)\right]}} \,=\, \frac{1}{1 + e^{\mp 2 \beta \sum_{ w\,;\, w \sim v} \sigma(w)}} \,.
By comparison for the Metropolis algorithm we pick a vertex at random and switch \sigma(v) to -\sigma(v) and accept the move with probability
\min\left\{ 1, \frac{ \pi( \sigma_{-v}, - \sigma(v))}{\pi( \sigma_{-v}, \sigma(v))} \right\} \,=\,
\min\left\{ 1, \frac{ \pi( \sigma_{-v}, - \sigma(v))}{\pi( \sigma_{-v}, \sigma(v))} \right\} \,=\, \min \left\{ 1, e^{ 2\beta \sum_{ w\,;\, w \sim v}
\sigma(w)\sigma(v)} \right\} \,.
8.9 Simulated annealing
Consider again the problem of finding the minimum of a function f(j), that is
f^*= \min\{f(j), j \in S\}
and we denote by S^*\subset S the location of the global minima. You should think of f as a complicated (and non-convex) function with complicated level sets and various “local” minima.
To perform this task we sampling a distribution of the form
\pi_T(j) = e^{-\frac{f(j)}{T}}
which concentrates on the minima of f(j), and the more so as T \to 0.
The idea of simulated annealing comes from physics. The concept of annealing in physics is to obtain a low energy state of a solid (typically a crystal) you first heat it up to reach a liquid state and then, slowly, decrease the temperature to let the particles arrange themselves.
For a Markov chain the idea is to pick a temperature schedule
T_1 > T_2 > T_3 > \cdots \quad \textrm{ with } \lim_{k \to \infty} T_k =0
with T_1 sufficiently large.
The following algorithm is a Markov chain with nonstationary transition probabilities.
Simulated annealing algorithm:
+ Initialise the Markov chain X_0 and the temperature T_1.
+ For each k run N_k steps of the Metropolis or Gibbs sampler with invariant distribution \pi_{T_k}.
+ Update the temperature to T_{k+1} starting with the final configuration.
A nice result about Metropolis sampler can be found for example in Hajek (1988) (a more precsie version is given there)
Theorem 8.3 (Convergence of simulated annealing) For the simulated annealing of the Metropolis algorithm (N_k=1) there exists a constant d^* such that we have
\lim_{n \to \infty} P\{X_n \in S^*\} = 1
if and only if
\sum_{k=1}^\infty e^{-\frac{d^*}{T_k}} =\infty
The constant d^* measure the depths of the local minima of f where locality is measure in terms of the proposal matrix Q.
The theorem tells us that if decrease the temperature very very slowly, e.g. like
T_k = \frac{c}{\log(k)}
with c> d^* then the Markov chain will converge, with probabilty 1, to a minima.
This an extremely slow cooling schedule which makes it not very practical and other schedules are used like T_{k+1} = 0.99 T_k.
8.10 Parallel tempering
The idea of parallel tempering is not use a temperature schedule but rather to use several copies of the system running at different temperatures. The copies at high temperature will explore the state space more efficiently and there is a switching mechanism which exchange the different copies so that the lower temperature copies can take advantage of the exploration done at high temperature.
The state space is the product of k copies of S
S^{(K)} = \underbrace{S \times \cdots \times S}_{\textrm{k times}}
and we denote a state by the vector \mathbf{i} = (i_1, \cdots, i_K).
One picks a set of temperatures T_1 < T_2 < \cdots < T_k and a probability distribution
\pi^{(k)} ({\bf i}) =\prod_{l=1}^K \pi_{T_l}(i_l)= \prod_{l=1}^K Z_{l} e^{- \frac{f(i_l)}{T_l}}
which is the product of the distribution at different temperatures.
The parallel tempering consists if two kinds of moves. The parallel move update each component of \mathbf{X}_n independently with the Metropolis algorithms at different temperature and there is a swapping move which exchanges a pair of components of the state vector \mathbf{X}_n in such a way as not to disturb the invariant measure. The component at the lowest temperature can be used to find the desired minimum.
Parallel tempering algorithm:
+ Suppose the state \mathbf{X}=\mathbf{i}, pick a random number U. + If U < \alpha then we do the parallel step and update each compoent of \mathbf{X} according to a Metropolis move at the corresponding temperatures T_l.
+ If U \ge \alpha we do the swapping step. We randomly chose a neighboring pair l,l+1 and propose to swap the components X_{n,l} and X_{n,l+1}. We accept the swap with probability
1, \frac{ \pi_{T_l}( i_{l+1}) \pi_{T_{l+1}}( i_l ) }{ \pi_{T_l}(i_l) \pi_{T_{l+1}}(i_{l+1})}
The parallel moves clearly satisfy satisfy the detailed balance since each component does. As for a swap move which swaps the component i_l and i_{l+1} n the state vector, we also have detailed balance since
& \pi_{T_l}(i_l) \pi_{T_{l+1}}(i_{l+1}) (1-\alpha) \frac{1}{K-1}
1, \frac{ \pi_{T_l}( i_{l+1}) \pi_{T_{l+1}}( i_l ) }{ \pi_{T_l}(i_l) \pi_{T_{l+1}}(i_{l+1})}
& = (1-\alpha) \frac{1}{K-1}
\min \left\{
\pi_{T_l}(i_l) \pi_{T_{l+1}}(i_{l+1}) , \pi_{T_l}( i_{l+1}) \pi_{T_{l+1}}( i_l )
which is symmetric in i_l,i_{l+1}.
Under which conditions on p_j is the Markov chain positive recurrent. Hint: Use detailed balance to compute the stationary distribution.
Find p_i such that \pi is a Poisson distribution with parameter \lambda.
Choose p_0= 1/2 and p_i = 1/2 for i \ge 1 and use this as the proposal matrix (i.e Q) in Metropolis-Hastings to generate a Poisson distribution with parameter \lambda.
Compare with part b.
Exercise 8.2 (General Metropolis-Hastings algorithm) Let \pi(i)>0 be a probability distribution on the state space S. Let Q(i,j) be a transition probability matrix (not necessarily symmetric). Set
T(i,j) \,=\, \frac{\pi(j) Q(j, i)}{\pi(i) Q(i,j)}
and suppose A : [0 , \infty] \to [0,1] be any function such that
A(z) = z A(1/z)
for all z \in [0, \infty]. Set
P(i,j) \,=\, Q(i,j) A ( T(i,j) ) \textrm{ for } i \not= j
and P(i,i)= 1 - \sum_{j \not= i} P(i,j). You can think of A(T(i,j)) has the acceptance probability for the proposed transition from i to j.
Suppose Q(i,j) >0 for all i,j. Prove that P is the transition matrix of a reversible irreducible Markov chain which satisfies detailed balance and has stationary distribution \pi.
Suppose now that Q(i,j) might be 0 for some values of i,j. Prove that P is still well-defined and satisfies detailed balance but that P might not be irreducible even if Q is irreducible.
Find the values of a and b for which \displaystyle A(z)= \frac{z^a}{1 + z^b} can be used.
Show that A(z) = \min\{ 1, z\} can be used and that it leads to the Metropolis algorithm when Q is symmetric. In which sense is that particular A(z) better than the ones in c?
9 Coupling methods
9.1 Total variation norm
Given two probability measure \mu and \nu on Sthe total variation distance between \mu and \nu is given by
\|\mu - \nu\|_{\textrm{TV}}= \sup_{A \subset \Omega}|\mu(A) - \nu(A)|
that is the largest distance between the measures of sets.
The supremum over all set is not convenient to compute but we have the formula
Theorem 9.1 We have the formula
\|\mu - \nu\|_{\textrm{TV}} &= \sum_{i: \mu(i) \ge \nu(i)} (\mu(i) - \nu(i))(x)
= \frac{1}{2} \sum_{i} | \mu(i) - \nu(i)|
Proof. First note that the second equality in Equation 9.1 follows from the first. Indeed, if the first equality holds, then by interchanging \mu and \nu we also have
\|\mu - \nu\|_{\textrm{TV}} =
\sum_{i: \mu(i) \ge \nu(i)} |\mu(i) - \nu(i)| =
\sum_{i: \nu(i) \ge \mu(i)} |\nu(i) - \mu(i)|
which proves the second equality.
To prove the first equality in Equation 9.1 we consider the set B=\{i:\mu(i) \ge \nu(i)\}. For any event A we have
\mu(A) - \nu(A) = \sum_{i \in A } \mu(i)-\nu(i) \le \sum_{i \in A \cap B} \mu(i)-\nu(i) \le \sum_{i \in B} \mu(i)-\nu(i) =\mu(B)-\nu(B)
By interchanging the role of \mu and \nu we find
\nu(A) - \mu(A) &\le \nu(B^c)-\mu(B^c) = \mu(B) -\nu(B)
and thus for any set A we have |\mu(A)-\nu(A)|\le \mu(B) - \nu(B). \quad\blacksquare
The total variation is also intimately related to the notion of coupling between probability measures. A coupling between the probability measure \mu and \nu is a probability measure q(i,j) on the product space S \times S such that
\sum_{j} q(i,j) = \mu(i) \quad \textrm { and } \quad \sum_{i} q(i,j) = \nu(j)
i.e. the marginals of q are \mu and \nu.
Coupling are nicely expressed in terms of random variables. We can think of q(i,j) has the (joint) pdf of the rv (X,Y) where X has pdf \mu and Y has pdf \nu.
There always exists a coupling since we can always hoose X and Y independent, i.e. q(i,j)=\mu(i)\nu(j).
On the oppposite extreme if \mu=\nu then we can pick X=Y has a coupling i.e q(i,i)=\mu(i)=\nu(i) and q(i,j)=0 if i\not=j.
9.2 Total variation and coupling
Theorem 9.2 (Coupling representation of total variation) We have
\|\mu -\nu\|_{\textrm{TV}}= \inf \left\{ P\{X \not =Y\}\,; (X,Y) \textrm{ coupling of } \mu \textrm { and } \nu \right\}
Proof. We first prove an inequality:
\mu(A)-\nu(A) &= P\{X \in A\} - P\{Y \in A\} \le P\{X \in A\}- P\{X \in A, Y \in A\}
\\& = P\{X \in A, Y \notin A\} \le P\{ X \not=Y\}
and thus \|\mu-\mu\|_{\textrm{TV}} \le \inf P \{ X \not=Y\}.
To show the equality we construct an optimal coupling.
Recall from Theorem 9.1 that \displaystyle \|\mu-\nu\|_{\textrm{TV}}=\sum_{\mu(i)\ge \nu(i)}\mu(i)-\nu(i) = \sum_{\nu(i)\ge \mu(i)}\nu(i)-\mu(i) (see regions A and B in Figure 9.1) and we set
p= \sum_{i} \mu(i) \wedge \nu(i) = 1 - \|\mu-\nu\|_{\textrm{TV}}
(see region C in Figure 9.1).
Figure 9.1: schematics of the optimal coupling
Consider now the coupling defined as follows. Pick a random number U
If U \le p then let Z be the RV with pdf
\gamma_C(i)=\frac{ \mu(i) \wedge \nu(i) }{p}
and set X=Y=Z.
If U>p then let X be the random variable with pdf \gamma_A(i) and Y be the random variable with pdf \gamma_B(i) where
\gamma_A(i) =\left\{
\frac{\mu(i)-\nu(i)}{\|\mu-\nu\|_{\textrm{TV}}} & \mu(i)\ge \nu(i) \\
0 & \textrm{otherwise}
\gamma_B(i) =\left\{
\frac{\nu(i)-\mu(i)}{\|\mu-\nu\|_{\textrm{TV}}} & \nu(i)\ge \mu(i) \\
0 & \textrm{otherwise}
Since p \gamma_C + (1-p) \gamma_A = \mu and p \gamma_C + (1-p) \gamma_B = \nu this defines a coupling and we have P\{ X\not=Y\}=1-p =\|\mu-\nu\|_{\textrm{TV}}. \quad \blacksquare.
9.3 Coupling of Markov chains
A coupling of a Markov chain is a stochastic process (X_n,Y_n) with state space S\times S such that both X_n and Y_n are Markov chains with transition matrix P but with possibly different initial conditions.
A Markovian coupling is a coupling such that the joint (X_n,Y_n) is itself a Markov chain with some transition matrix Q((i,j), (k,l)) which must then satisfy
\sum_{k} Q((i,j), (k,l)) = P(j,l) \quad \textrm{ and } \sum_{l} Q((i,j), (k,l)) = P(i,k) \,.
Recall that Theorem 2.3 where we proved the convergence of aperiodic irreducible Markov chains to their stationary distribution we used an independent coupling. We will expand upon this idea by considering other more interesting couplings.
The coupling time is defined by
\sigma= \inf \{ n \ge 0 \,:\, X_n=Y_n \}
that is, it is the first time that the Markov chain visit the same state.
After the coupling time \sigma, X_n and Y_n have the same distribution (by the strong Markov property) so we can always modified a coupling so that, after time \sigma, X_n and Y_n are moving together, i.e. X_n=Y_n for all n \ge \sigma. We will always assume this to be true in what follows.
9.4 Speed of convergence via coupling
Theorem 9.3 Suppose (X_n,Y_n) is a coupling of a Markov chain such that X_0=i and Y_0=j and \sigma is the coupling time. Then we have
\|P^n(i,\cdot) - P^n(j,\cdot)\|_{ \textrm{TV} } \le P \left\{ \sigma>n| X_0=i, Y_0=j\right\}
Proof. We have P\{X_n=l|X_0=i\}=P^n(i,l) and P\{Y_n=l|Y_0=j\}=P^n(j,l) and therefore X_n and Y_n is a coupling of the the probability distributions P^n(i,\cdot) and P^n(j,\cdot). So by Theorem 9.2 we have
\|P^n(i,\cdot) - P^n(j,\cdot)\|_{\textrm{TV}} \le P \left\{ X_n \not= Y_n | X_0=i,Y_0=j\right\} = P \left\{ \sigma > n | X_0=i,Y_0=j\right\}\,.
We can use this result to bound the distance to the stationary measure
Theorem 9.4 We have
\sup_{i \in S } \| P^n(i,\cdot) - \pi\|_{\textrm{TV}} \le \sup_{i,j \in S } \|P^n(i,\cdot) - P^n(j,\cdot)\|_{\textrm{TV}}
Proof. Using the stationarity and the triangle inequality we have
\| P^n(i,\cdot) - \pi\|_{\textrm{TV}}
&= \sup_{A} |P^n(i,A) - \pi(A)| \\
& = \sup_{A}| \sum_{j} \pi(j) (P^n(i,A)-P^n(j,A))| \\
%& \le \sup_{A} \sum_{j} \pi(j) |P^n(i,A)-P^n(j,A)| \\
& \le \sum_{j} \pi(j) \sup_{A} |P^n(i,A)-P^n(j,A)| \\
& = \sum_{j} \pi(j) \|P^n(i,\cdot) - P^n(j,\cdot)\|_{TV} \\
& \le \sup_{i,j\in S} \|P^n(i,\cdot) - P^n(j,\cdot)\|_{TV} \quad \blacksquare
We set d(n) = \sup_{i} \|P^n(i,\cdot) - \pi \|_{\textrm{TV}} which is the maximal distance to stationarity starting from an arbitrary initial state. (It is not hard to see that \|\mu P^n - \pi \|_{\textrm{TV}} \le d(n) for abitrary initial distribution \mu as well).
We define then the mixing time t_{\textrm{mix}}(\varepsilon) of a Markov chain to be
t_{\textrm{mix}}(\varepsilon) = \min\{ n, d(n) \le \varepsilon \}\,.
That is, if n>t_{\textrm{mix}}(\varepsilon) then \mu P^n is less than \varepsilon close to the stationary distribution.
9.5 Mixing time for the sucess run chain
We start with a countable state space example, the success run chain which is very easy to analyze.
Parenthetically, it should be noted that the supremum over i in d(n) is often not well suited for countable state space. It may often happen that the number of steps it take to be close to the stationary distribution may depend on where you start.
We consider a special case of Example 4.4 with constant succes probability.
P(n,0)=(1-p)\,, \quad P(n,n+1)= p\,, \quad n=0,1,2,\cdots
Suppose X_0=i and Y_0=j (with i\not=j) we couple the two chains by moving them together.
Pick a random number U, if U \le (1-p) then set X_1=Y_1=0 the coupling time \sigma=1.
If U \ge 1-p then move X_1=i+1, Y_1=j+1.
Clearly we have
P( \sigma >n| X_0=i, Y_0=j) = p^n
and thus we find for the mixing time
d(n)=p^n < \varepsilon \iff n \ge \frac{\ln(p)}{\ln \varepsilon}
9.6 Mixing time for the random walk on the hypercube
Recall that for the random walk on the hypercube (see Example 1.4) a state is a d-bit \sigma=(\sigma_1, \cdots, \sigma_d) with \sigma_j\in \{0,1\}.
The Markov chain is periodic with period 2 so to make it aperiodic we consider its “lazy” version in which we do not move with probability 1/2, that is we consider instead the transition matrix \frac{P+I}{2} which makes it periodic. The Markov chain moves then as follows, we pick a coordinate \sigma_j at random and then replace by a random bit 0 or 1.
To couple the Markov chain we simply move move them together: If X_n=\sigma and Y_n=\sigma' we pick a coordinate j \in \{1,\cdots, d\} at random and then replace both \sigma_j and \sigma'_j by the same random bit. This is a coupling and after a move the chosen coordinates coincide.
Under this coupling X_n and Y_n will get closer to each other if we select a j such that \sigma_j \not= \sigma'_j and we will couple when all the coordinates have been selected. The distribution of the coupling time is thus exactly the same as the time \tau need to collect d toys in the coupon collector problem.
We now get a bound on the tail as follows. We denote by A_i the events that coordinate i has not been selected after m steps. We have, using the inequality (1-x)\le e^{-x}
P\{\sigma > n\} = P\left(\bigcup_{i=1}^d A_i\right) \le \sum_{i=1}^d P(A_i) =
\sum_{i=1}^d \left(1- \frac{1}{d}\right)^n \le d e^{-\frac{n}{d}}
So if we pick n = d\ln(d) + c d we find
P\{\sigma > d\ln(d) + c d\} \le d e^{-\frac{d \ln(d) + cd}{d}}= e^{-c} \implies t_{\textrm{mix}}(\varepsilon) \le d\ln(d) + \ln(\varepsilon^{-1})d\,.
9.7 References
Hajek, Bruce. 1988. “Cooling Schedules for Optimal Annealing.”Mathematics of Operations Research 13 (2): 311–29. http://www.jstor.org/stable/3689827.
Lawler, Gregory F. 2006. Introduction to Stochastic Processes.
Levin, David Asher, James Propp, David B. Wilson, Elizabeth L. Wilmer, and Y. Peres. 2017. Markov Chains and Mixing Times. American Mathematical Society.